

0-day streak
Made a pizzeria web site with Next.js as a practice. Check out the site or the Github.
I made my first ever React Native app with Expo! I followed this tutorial but made it my own by turning it into a Lego related app, changed some functions and features and lastly the theming. Check out the attached demo and the Github repository here!
react emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
Finally a finished working version of my web app for keeping up with upcoming train times in Denmark. It now has all the planned features incorporated !! Check out the deployed site here or the Github repository here.
Version two of my web app for keeping up with upcoming train times in Denmark. It now has way more of the promised features incorporated. Check out the deployed site here or the Github repository here.
I made a web app for easily checking and keeping up with upcoming train times in Denmark (it's locked to one specific route right now as it's an early demo) Check out the deployed site here or the Github repository here.