@karmanyaahm0Finally edited my HackTX 2023 project video!! www.youtube.com/watch?v=O36_HwhB4es@EvanGan0Day 61 of #100-days-in-public.
Today I am continuing to take a bit of a different approach to scrapbooking, by doing video updates.
I recommend watching the shorter video for context before you watch the longer video.@ThomasStubblefield0Today @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0, @ParkerEstes-U04JBGJ1UQZ, and I filmed a short background video for the Carolina Hacks website. The video is quite fun 😄
(full props to Dieter for the awesome editing & filming of the video)
I also setup continuous API calls to get updated messages within Unifriend. We also created an Add/Remove API for events & hobbies in addition to a Start a Convo API.@lachlanjc0Set up a camera slider (took several hours…) & captured this looping tracking shot of my dad painting in his studio@tejasbhartiya0Video update!
@sampoder0I edited a musical!! you can watch it at oneness.now.sh... it's for language and culture week at my school and called the Oneness play.
It was a massive challenge.. as we ran into A LOT of issues filming it but im pretty proud of the end result tho a few thing things im not super fond of
ya check it out if youd like: oneness.now.sh :)
@sampoder0ahhhh the video is still coming along but the file is massive
@dinaelhanan0playing w my family's old camcorders for today - VHS-C and CD ones from my childhood and before. Hoping to actually use them to film:
@itsmingjie0Changed the streaming name badge to match @melody's Figma-styled overlay! This is what it looks like on the stream when you were asking questions during the AMA.