

0-day streak
This is a stacking Raspberry Pi 4 case that is legally distinct to LEGO bricks. I made it using TinkerCAD, and this should be compatible with actual LEGO bricks to some degree. (this is for #C07NUNPGEU8|) www.thingiverse.com/thing:6782642
finally finished reverse engineering the leappad pinout, and also designed a board for dumping the roms from the cartridges! (this is for #C07NUNPGEU8|)
working on getting the pinout for the leapfrog leappad cartridges by reverse engineering scans of a non-open-source leappad dumper board that i don't own, slowly but surely i'm getting there, mostly slowly though, i spent 2 hours and 45 minutes on this garbled mess i call a pinout, but whatever (also this is for #C07NUNPGEU8|, i couldn't get anything done yesterday or the day before)
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This is a bit of a boring project for you guys and a bit of a proof of concept, but I made a thing with Arduino that sends a webhook whenever amiibo are tapped to the RFID, and depending on the amiibo tapped it will play sounds on my computer! Also, for whoever sees this, I'm leaving the sound webhook up for a bit. Make a webhook request to api.qpmc.net with the data "nfc" set to either 1 or 0 and it'll play a sound on my computer! Wish I had a better way to demonstrate this but I only have headphones, not speakers, so I can't properly record this. github.com/danieliscrazy/arcade/tree/main/nfc