
Posts tagged with :zzz:

Worked a bit on a Watch / Glasses Holder for my bedside (Fellow glasses-wearers, you understand the pain of not having a safe place to put your glasses while you sleep):
Automatic chicken door that connects to to internet to get sunset and sunrise times and current time, goes to deep sleep if the user isn't interacting with the device, wake up when it needs to open/close, the ui and core logic parts are separated so writing new ui(such as a web app the is served form the esp32) would be easily done. The ui still needs some love, there are a few bugs left and a couple of features that need to be implemented. The next step is to make the pcb with onboard and 3d model an enclosure. Here is a wokwi demo, the set time ui is still buggy so i didnt show that, i show here how to calibrate the motors open and close positions
I having trouble with the styling since I wanna to kinda of look scrap book and I need to sleep I think I going to leave this project half done. github.com/GaoYeGithub/Site
Made a datapack for Minecraft that makes it so you cant sleep under a specific light level
my slack status workflow for :n8n: is now simplified! it also supports more status’s including :zed: and 💤
This discord bot was for the discord server RepTronics. It was created as a way for buyers to decide what chip they should get, give links and contact details for sellers, and small other things, like it's ability to load cogs that can do various things, and the /ts survey. Took a while to get right, and I'm thankful I'm finally done so I can sleep haha 💤 ps: if you want to see the bot in action, go to the RepTronics discord server (bot deployed, just need to unprivate the bot commands channel! github.com/N1k0s1/RepTronics-Discord-Bot
Are you a lazy bum that doesnt want to make a new session each time during your hackathon and just want to continue your "flow state", heres my project which uses arcade api, to start a new session, waits for the session to end, makes a copy of your directory then starts a new session. You can adjust this so it works with lunch breaks and evening breaks, and sleep just incase for longer hackathons. Theres also one meant for the rpi incase you computer can't handle the load. github.com/YashasSingh/arcade-hackathon-api
Finished my bin project! Check it out here: wokwi.com/projects/403968266615030785 or here: github.com/LandonBayer/BinRoomSensor/commit/5cc5ff84bb750486837644a467b4645277d64b60 This is a Raspberry Pi Pico based Temperature and Humidity display that uses a combination of a motion sensor, photo resistor and IR remote/receiver to add some helpful "automations". The motion sensor turns on the display when it detects movement, but the photo resistor makes sure it stays off during the night unless you use the IR remote to turn it on in the dark. This way, it won't disrupt your sleep or work at night with accidental triggers of the motion sensor!
made a quick little tool to remotely sleep/wake my main desktop since i don't want to leave it running constantly, but still need to sometimes access it, before i go on vacation github.com/caburum/windows-remote-start
hello everyone, today I present to you a Fitness Tracker (mostly for triathletes) website where you can track your training sessions, calories spent, distance ; you can establish your own goals, and have charts to help you achieve your goals ; you can also track your sleep, weight, macros, what you eat and you hydration. you can check it out here : luca-hatu.github.io/Fitness-Tracker and here is the repo : github.com/luca-hatu/Fitness-Tracker
Update/completed iteration #GMM0VHBBM| of my Patient Assistance webapp. I have added PWA support (meaning it can be "installed" and added to the home screen on mobile devices!) which is what my user has requested, and it also removes the browser UI, so more space for my app! This version also has brand new ⭐ reconnect ⭐ support so that the patient that requires assistance can put their device to sleep/turn off the display on mobile, upon reloading the device, it reconnects to all assister devices, which is neat! I also made sure all buttons work and fixed the WebKit weird rendering behaviour on Apple devices. GitHub: github.com/Draggie306/patient-assistance/commits/main View Page: patient-assist.ibaguette.com
github.com/Ednaordinary/DanteMode This is Dante4, my 4th revision of a discord bot I've been working on for the same amount of years. Dante was born before image generation became popular, when I found a small repo of an emerging technology, lucidrains/big-sleep. Since then, Dante has grown with the technology into what is now an extremely optimized discord bot for both loading and execution. As I moved on from Dante3, I focused on a few things: maintaining modularity, increasing performance, and making something cool. Dante now features the following features to meet these goals: An asynchronous framework: Just like Dante3, Dante4 handles requests asynchronously between request (discord command), and execution (making the image). This ensures the user will never be left hanging during the process. Only now, Dante takes that to the next level by adding a third layer in there: Model loading. More on that below Model Passthrough: If a request from discord comes that shares the same model as the currently executing request, that model passes itself to the next request, completely eliminating model loading latency Model Preloading: If a request from discord comes with a different model than the one currently executing, that model will preload itself to the cpu (ram), then load itself quickly to the gpu (vram) when its time for execution. This reduces model loading latency since the model does not have to load itself from disk. Latent Previewing: During a request, the bot will asynchronously decode the current image to show to the user, so they know where in the generating process the bot is. Embedded Processing: Models are run right in the script, eliminating import time for large modules like torch. With this comes a modular class based system, which allows all of the other optimizations to happen. Live Status: Models, both with and without latent previews, will update the user with the current generation status with both percents and seconds since start. Exception Handling: Just like Dante3, even if something goes incredibly wrong, the bot recovers and continues working. This isn't all though, more in a second.
Finally my code is finished... github.com/yersf0001/freddie-arcade/commit/f97586e91ddeda38d50a4d0cb7a4887013e48e2e
import random
import time

#Starting Code
text = ("shaking.... \n")
answers = ["Yes.", "No.", "Absolutely!", "No waaaayyy!"]

#the games code
def game():
    print("Welcome to the Magic 8 Ball game—use it to answer your questions...")
    print("Ask me for any advice and I'll help you out.")
    question = input("Type in your question and then press 'Enter' for an answer: ")


    for i in range(4):
            for char in text:
                print(char, end='', flush=True)

            print(" ")


    choice = random.choice(answers)

    for i in range(1):
            for char in choice:
                print(char, end='', flush=True)

#Game Ending
while True:



    play_again = input("Do you want to play again? (yes/no): ")

    if play_again.lower() != "yes":
        print("Bye then...")
Day 6 of #arcade: My key holder Ridge clone is almost ready! I’m still missing some tolerances here and there and I need to figure out a way to embed a hex nut without creating a bad seam with the next layer but other than that it’s ready! I also started yet another cad project today, a small PD compatible powerbank with replaceable 18650 cells! It’s currently charging and I’ve barely started working on its enclosure but tomorrow is a day too and I’ll work on it then (or later tonight if I just don’t sleep).
I fixed some character rendering errors and optimized battery usage today, dropping the deep sleep current from 628 microamps to 31 microamps.
Today I worked on deep sleep (which was particularly annoying and fussy for some reason - it will run on batteries eventually) and polishing the rest of the main display. Code here
Day 1: Spent my whole day working on a display framework for my trail project! I’m developing a new display framework for the SSD1306 in MicroPython that aims to simplify building advanced interactive user interfaces. • Implemented the ability to nest child components within parent components for proper relative positioning. • Updated rendering logic so child components are positioned based on their parent’s size and position. Using it is very simple. Just create a new component and update the properties!
async def main():
    _display = Display()
    _vcanvas = vcanvas.vCanvas(128, 64, lambda data: _display.render(data))

    render_task = uasyncio.create_task(_vcanvas.render())

    frame = vcanvas.Frame(_vcanvas, width=64, height=32, background_color=1,
                          ax=0.5, ay=0.5, position_type="scale", x=0.5, y=0.5)

    label = vcanvas.TextLabel(frame, text="Welcome!", text_size=1,
                              ax=0.5, ay=0.5, position_type="scale", x=0.5, y=0.5)
    amogus = 1

        while True:
            await uasyncio.sleep(1)

            print("Looping", utime.ticks_ms())
            Pin("LED", Pin.OUT).toggle()

            if amogus == 0:
                frame.x = 0.25
                frame.y = 0.25
                label.text = "Welcome!"
                amogus = 1
            elif amogus == 1:
                frame.x = 0.75
                frame.y = 0.75
                label.text = "Welcome"
                amogus = 0

            await render_task
        except uasyncio.CancelledError:
            print("Cancelled render task")

This is a continuation post in #hack-hour for my bad ducky usb. I seem to have come into some error while working adjusting my code that is meant for the pico to the stm32. I will continue to work on this as this may take more time that adjusted for my schedule. I will contine to work on this on my next hack hour. I can't seem to screenshot as im working on an secure version of linux but heres a part of the work I'm currently working on "def parseLine(line): global defaultDelay if(line[0:3] == "REM"): # ignore ducky script comments pass elif(line[0:5] == "DELAY"): time.sleep(float(line[6:])/1000) elif(line[0:6] == "STRING"): sendString(line[7:]) elif(line[0:5] == "PRINT"): print("[SCRIPT]: " + line[6:]) elif(line[0:6] == "IMPORT"): runScript(line[7:])" Good luck to all other hackers github.com/dbisu/pico-ducky/blob/main/duckyinpython.py
Added a Sleep() Syscall to my OS!
day 5 of #100-days-in-public couldn't sleep so I decided to start working on a semantic search tool, and ended up getting nerd-sniped by the history of search in general. I'm super tired tho now so I'm going to be
Hey friends! :hyper-dino-wave: I was inspired by the power of computation and design and really wanted to print a vase as a gift for a family member for their birthday! Since there have been constant hard freeze warnings, they won't be able to go outside and look at their plants, so I made sure to add some live plants they can care for. Also, I was quite surprised. I got good sleep while the vase was being printed for 4 hours lol.
Guys ISTG I was going to sleep at a reasonable 11pm but now it's suddenly 1am and IDK what happened I have another fire hazard PCB on my hands. I assembled my COTS flyback generator board from Amazon more vlogs here: youtu.be/gE-u74lq6d8
Sleep schedule? What’s that
#w-of-the-day day 149 End of the weekend, not pretty eventfull tbh but needed the sleep :prayge: I mostly worked on physics and tabletime (my side project which aims to be a timetable creation tool), had to finish this school project so worked on that
Shhh, she’s napping
#w-of-the-day day 120 Today was a banger, Productivity was through the roof today, I’ve finished most of my physics lesson plans and have basically near to completing the rust book Also went out for a barbecue, that was fun. It’s amazing how a good nights sleep can do for you
Day 10 of WHW #hardware-party, Today I calibrate my fsi6s transmitter; binding it with the receiver, I was so sleepy that i also messed up the expo settings, but later got it right! I'm so tired rn that the only thing i can think about is sleep! And because of that I'll see you all tomorrow! Bye, Goodnight!
My sleep may not be long…but it is regular
#w-of-the-day day 95 Guess who ruined his sleep schedule with school starting on monday, MEE :sadcatok: Did some organic chemistry revison and some more pygame coding (damn i need to write better scrapbook posts)
#w-of-the-day day 74 I am sleep deprived (slept for like 5 hours) and I have a chem test tomorrow, studied as much as I could and gonna go sleep early so I can make up for lost time
#hardware-party day 8/10 Couldn’t get much down today due to homework and #frc. I’m really sleep deprived. Did get a few more pieces printed tho, always nice.
Day 8 (or was it 7?) of #hardware-party whw project! I've been procastinating soldering everything and the only thing I got done was *trying* to get the touchscreen to work. Also forgot to mention that this is a very great and cheap touchscreen (7inch) alternative to the original. (Incase no1 noticed I changed my format from the friendly and welcoming intro to simple and plain so I can get to sleep faster lol.)
#w-of-the-day day 8 site's ready and builds fine locally, but i have no clue why its not deploying in production school tomorrow so gotta sleep early (pain) so gonna have to debug this later ugh
I will concede the 10 days in public challenge to @OmarMobayed - i went to sleep lol.
Day 5/6 of #10-days-in-public :lioncityhacks: It was Lion City Hacks yesterday: massive shoutout to @sampoder and his team for organising this whole event! We had a lot of fun (and stickers), and the team learned a lot of key designing tools and programming skills along the way. Additionally, our meme/coin project is still underway at #samcoin, so if you want to contribute to it, join the channel now! :coin-mario: Today, I participated in a math competition and chilled the whole day - got a bit sick so going to sign off early. :sleep:
day 1 of #10-days-in-public did a couple of codeforces vcs... performance was not that great today (only low expert :nightmare-dino:) im going to try to go to sleep early today !!
20 continuous hours (rip sleep) and 5gb later, I've been able to access, download, and model a tiny portion of NASA's climate change predictions for the US the left shows the mean max surface temperature in kelvins in Jan 2021 the right shows the estimated mean max surface temperature in kelvins in Dec 2025
meant to sleep an hour ago 😭 i really need to stop staying up. having fun with reinstalling a broken npm :(