

0-day streak
i decided to change course for #C07MUFXNG82| and use an actual engine: allegro! it took me a while to figure out the tooling and get to a place that's easy to develop, but i'm excited for where this goes repo:
progress it slow but i hope i can finish before #C07MUFXNG82| ends! today i made it so i can make multiple elements, and change the active element with tab and tilde! i also made typing look a lot better! i wish DOS mode 13 used framebuffers :( repo is here:
so i completely gave up on embedded_gui for my #C07MUFXNG82| project and spent forever figuring out that the way i was clearing the screen in assembly was making it so that my text wouldn't render (???). i managed to get a fully working text input field with a cursor movable with the arrow keys though, so there was a little progress! repo:
A little bit more work for #C07MUFXNG82|! I found a crate called embedded_gui that makes it easy to make a gui with embedded_graphics, and i plan to make a sort of password game but making it just as difficult for all aspects of creating a profile. repo:
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i'm super excited to finally get my crossplatform FRC driver station - WindUp - working! NI is very secretive about their protocols, so i've spent hours just staring at WireShark trying to figure out what's going on. i've mostly worked making a crate - driverstation - that WindUp uses under the hood to communicate with the RoboRIO. currently it can get battery voltage and other statistics from the RIO, change the alliance station, mode, and enable the robot. i still need to figure out how to transmit joysticks and recieve stdout messages. WindUp repo: driverstation repo:
i'm working on WindUp: a cross-platform alternative to DriverStation for FRC! i'm using Tauri with Rust to ensure a responsive interface, and developing my own crate to communicate with the robot: driverstation. i finally got the basic interface working, and i'm really happy with how it's turning out! Repo here:
I finally finished documentation and color text for my assembler and CPU emulator: Fateful! I'm really proud of this project, since I've been working on it for over a year and a half. There are still a couple small tweaks, but that is just to documentation and packaging. Overall this project is finally complete! Repo here:
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I finally got around to documenting my assembly language - Fateful. I had already written documentation for the actual CPU architecture, but Fateful was a little complicated and I had never gotten around to explaining it. Now I just have to finish documentation for the emulator and tests! Repo is here:
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I just finished my portfolio website! I don't do frontend development very much so this was a really fun project to work with. There may be a few small changes but overall nothing is broken and I am very happy with how it turned out. The live site can be found here at, and the repo can be found at #arcade
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I made a bunch of small changes to my portfolio website and wrote up an "About Me" page! I'm really excited, since it seems like the homepage is fully functioning and it is very responsive on mobile as well. Now I just have to finish my "Experience" page and add a contact form. Repo is located at #arcade
I got my entire frontpage for my portfolio website working! I'm super excited about it, I think it turned out super well! The repo is located at #arcade
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summer-of-making emoji
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It took me forever but I think I finally figured out how I want to resolve the hir of my programming language: Warp. I've been struggling to find how I want to resolve imports and paths, but I finally got it working! Now I can start resolving types and expressions, which is a huge milestone. The repo can be found here: #arcade
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I've managed to get the Abstract Syntax Tree (ast) in the Warp language compiling down to a High Intermediate Representation (hir). This will allow me to start resolving actual paths, functions, and libraries! Super excited for what comes next. The repo can be found here:, along with the start of a standard library at #arcade
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I finally finished parsing for my programming language: Warp! The Warp compiler can now read an input file, lex it, and parse the tokens into meaningful structures. The next steps will be namespace and package resolution. The repo can be found at #arcade P.S. i'm also very proud of the beautiful looking error messages:
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I got the lexer working for my programming language - Warp. The language is designed to compile to f8ful assembly, the assembly language for my homebrew 8-bit CPU. The repo is at, and an overview can be found in the partially finished spec sheet,
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I've just finished adding VGA text-mode support to my 8-bit CPU emulator! I finished the emulator a while back, and after implementing it in Logisim, I decided I wanted to add some form of screen. I came across VGA text-mode, and settled on codepage 737 with 8x16 pixel characters to implement. It's just a 25x80 buffer mapped starting at 0xF800 in memory. The coloring isn't quite finished, but that will come in time. The repo is hosted at if you are interested. #arcade
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I finally finished my font-creator! I think it might need a little better explanation on how to use it, but the core functionality works flawlessly! I have used it to implement a font to display VGA text mode codepage 737, which I think turned out wonderfully! The repo is stored at #arcade
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Milestone time! I recently finished our whole electrical layout for my team's robot base CAD. Hopefully we will use this base next year and beyond. The electrical layout includes holes and slots for screws and zipties for every permanent component, all of which are installed in the CAD. OnShape is here. #arcade
Today I finished the basic structure and functionality of my font generator website. I needed a pixilated font that could be uploaded to a ROM for my 8-bit CPU, but I couldn't find any good places to create or export one, so I decided to make my own. The exporting and importing I will have to do in WASM with Rust, since binary is just a lot easier to work with there, but most of the creation is done through TypeScript. Very excited to keep playing with this. #arcade
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Just finished with a basic base for my team's 2025 FRC bot. We had a lot of issues this year with our battery and electrical systems, so I'm aiming to reduce those issues as much as possible. Definitely did not take aaaaaannnyy inspiration from 2102 or 1538. Lots more work to be done, but the base is nearly complete. Onshape can be found here. #arcade