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Posts tagged with :rustlang:

Update 1 It's the first day of #C07NUNPGEU8|! Yesterday, I worked on my Slack bot made in rust! I rewrote the events system basically entirely and almost got stuff mostly working. (theres no gh yet, so have an image of wakatime from yesterday) [edit: there is now a GitHub @]
#C06SBHMQU8G| After some work, the first official release of my library, perfjail, is finally here. It's a Rust project inspired by sio2jail - a tool the Polish Olympiad in Informatics uses to failry measure time on its contests. My main goals are to do what sio2jail does, but significantly faster (at times) and as a library instead of a CLI tool. You can find the library here: (it's not yet released to, but this is a working, albeit sometimes still slightly buggy, version), and I've made a quick little demo of it working on a branch of my CLI testing tool Toster, which you can find here ( To see it in action you can simply build this branch and then use Toster with the sio2jail flag, however all you should see is faster runtime when running smaller tests, which might be difficult to notice, but it's defintely there. If you have any problems running it or understanding any of the code, please feel free to message me - this is a really interesting field to me, and I've encountered many fun challanges to work around whilst doing pretty pure systems programming interfacing directly with the Linux kernel.
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I implemented Nicky Case's "smooth criminal" from her backlog of projects! It comes with a UI to inspect individual matchups! Everything is written in rust as well. Check it out...
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tried making a cli pomodoro timer with rust, and ... it works??? rust is so annoyingly difficult when you have no background in any similar languages :fucking_sobbing: (local person goes mildly insane trying rust for the first time (not clickbait)
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*(This is a repost for @hakkuun )* I created a todo cli utility written in Rust. It is buggy, undocumented, untested, and probably even the most ardent opponent of "Clean Code" would be horrified to see it. (You have been warned). However it is my first project in Rust. Clap and rusqlite have been used to parse the arguments (1) and save the data into a SQLite database (2). Here the github repo: (I apologize in advance for any typos).
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Published my cli app cli-share With this you can transfer files between devices just by scanning a qrcode But both of them need to be in the same local network. Made this using nodejs and I saw this implemented several years ago by some person but it is in rust language, so I thought to make it in javascript as I felt like this could be core usage of nodejs This is inspired from that project (qrcp) This would be really handy for sending data between devices in a quick way without intermediaries(whatsapp, usb,etc ) This is published to npm. Published: PFA demo of app
I created a todo cli utility written in Rust. It is buggy, undocumented, untested, and probably even the most ardent opponent of "Clean Code" would be horrified to see it. (You have been warned). However it is my first project in Rust. Clap and rusqlite have been used to parse the arguments (1) and save the data into a SQLite database (2). Here the github repo: (I apologize in advance for any typos).
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Yippeee. Finally got chunks (somewhat) working! Ahhh.. it feels so good to see progress on screen after so long. I've worked hard as hell on this server, on networking, stupid mojang protocol, database, codecs, entity component systems, and soooo much more. It's all finally coming together. All this while still using insanely low memory usage, in comparison it uses almost 75x less memory. (Mine: 20~mb, Java: 1.5GB+). For context, FerrumC is a Minecraft server implementation written from the ground up in Rust with performance in mind. Leveraging the power of the Rust programming language, it achieves high performance and low latency as well as amazing memory efficiency! You can checkout the github repository here: Would appreciate a star 😛
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Frederick-rs Frederick rs is a cli which purpose is to add audio metadata (tags) to audio files, it uses the MusicBrainz API to retrive the music data. Another project using rust, I feel l'm the real rustacean. It was "fun" to make, rust is kind of a difficult language for me compared to js and I dont care that much about performance but tbh I just wanted to create a single executable. You can read more about the project in the readme 🙂 or try it yourself, I only have builds for linux but its super easy to compile. Also I used VHS to make these cool gifs WAIT THE GIFS IN SLACK ARE BROKEN, HERE ARE THE LINKS <|help>, <|usage>)
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Cool little autoclicker I made in Svelte & Tauri sadly linux wouldn't build and I couldn't run it on my Macbook I never could figure out how to fix anything...
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blutils So, this is probably my last scrapbook about blutils! Let me recap what I have managed to do in 65 hours of coding time: I have managed to create 10.5 coreutils in rust, which are usable. The coreutils are still lacking a few features and some commands but they are mostly done and functional. Blutils is not quite finished (but can be marked as a ship) and will be an ongoing project for some time, or probably for a long long time. In a few days I will add some Contribution guidelines to make contributions easier for everyone. I would like to thank everyone here for checking out and giving great feedback on my projects, and I would like to wish y’all a great life. Thanks, thanks and thanks again. And so, with those words, this was my last scrapbook post, unless I end up needing another hour or two! Here’s the project: Consider contributing if you want to help out!
I made a simple, interpreted programming language in Rust: It has the basic features you'd expect, such as while loops, variables, functions, etc... I plan on making it a math-oriented programming language in the future.
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Hello! I made a webcrawler in rust! Theres still quite a few more features I wanna add, but I'm ready to ship a basic version so here it is!
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For the past few weeks now, I've been working on OnBoard's very own Grafana dashboard for statistics data of how it's doing as a whole. Tracking submissions, submission times, reviewer times and average grant values and more to know how to improve our strategy and make it easier for hack clubbers to get their PCB grants. It's made in Rust and fetches data from AirTable, HCB and GitHub APIs all while dockerized. It's my largest project dealing with APIs and JSON and I've learned so much throughout the process. This project singlehandedly introduced me Docker by creating my own docker image along with learning about Prometheus Exporters in Rust. I'm finally releasing a V1 stable and while it may not have all the data and be 100% bug free, I'm hoping people can use this project to make their own Grafana dashboards on other YSWS projects. See the Docker Image See the Code See the Dashboard
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Wrote my own VM (VM as in JVM, not virtualbox lol) that interprets basic instructions into Rust functions. Planning to turn it into a fully-fledged small programming language, but that's gonna take time.
i'm working on WindUp: a cross-platform alternative to DriverStation for FRC! i'm using Tauri with Rust to ensure a responsive interface, and developing my own crate to communicate with the robot: driverstation. i finally got the basic interface working, and i'm really happy with how it's turning out! Repo here:
Finally done with my NBT serializer/deserializer. It's very extremely fast, runs in microseconds (and even nanoseconds) even on big structures!! I'm making a minecraft server framework from scratch in rust! To be as fast, robust and extremely easy to use as possible. So far a lot of networking related things are done, as well as databases, and also an entire ECS (Entity Component System)! I was missing a NBT parser, so I decided to embark on the journey to make it myself, and oh boy I did. It's so fast and easy to use. With the addition of the NBT library, I can work on chunks, and a lot minecraft related features. I hope this server progresses a lot now! The ecs, database and a lot of really core features are done. Oh and also global state! The code is really to my likings, it's pretty clean and robust. I can easily add more features, systems etc. I've attached some image that showcases the simple use of the library. Since it's rust, I've used the derive macros feature to auto generate deserialize/serialize implementations! The first image showcases how we can create struct and add derive macros on it. The Serialize macro auto-generates the serialize method. Same with Deserialize. In the second image we instantiate a Sample object. The third image shows how easy it is to just serialize the Sample object we created into a buffer! You can simply do sample.serialize(&mut bytes)and the bytes would have the serialized data. Finally, the last image shows how easy it is to read plain bytes back into the datatype (Sample) we want. Because its possible it's not a correct type, it returns a result, which in this example we use unwrap to tell the program that trust me, it's the correct type! And if we check the result of the deserialize with the initial struct we instantiated, they both are indeed the same! You can find the github repository here: Would appreciate a star! Thanks! ❤️
Have been working on making a generic compression / decompression interface in rust. The actual interface itself is going well, but the implementations are a pain. I'll have to add the custom implementations later I think (eurgh actually decent git practice)
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Today, I did a bunch of small, random projects in Rust, and also started my first long-form project in a while. I will be making an algorithm visualiser (for BFS, DFS, and A*):
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GUINOTE CLI Guinote CLI is an open source terminal (ugly implementation) of the Spanish card game Guiñote. In rust using the ratatui rendering engine. This is a milestone release for basic rendering, handle user input and stuff like selection, wins and loss. I only have binaries for linux. It has reallly helped me learn rust and terminal rendering. I would like to make it prettier tho
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I made a Discord bot in Rust with Gemini AI integration - GitHub
A blazing fast rust password generator that can create different types of passwords of any length for any app! (i also forgot to submit this to scrapbook like a week ago lol).
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created the design in figma for a web app i'm going to create soon with rust/htmx. it's my first time using figma but it should help with development.
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Forgot to log my hours via arcade, but I wrote my first project in rust, a fully functional database with types, multiple tables, and full serialization and deserialization support. Super memory safe and has tons of error handling:
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Just released the biggest update to RTL-SDR Radio yet with v0.4.0! I have spent the past 2 weeks making my own RBDS (Radio Broadcast Data System) decoder in Rust based on the RDS 1998 spec and the RBDS 2011 spec. Now, when listen to FM Radio, you can see the RadioText (usually song title and artist) and genre of the station. There is also now an “Advanced Info” tab that shows all the other RBDS data that my implementation decodes. I also have implemented some basic error correction to improve signal reception. Here are some other notable features: • I added an updater which will check for updates on start up and can install them for you • All dependencies are now bundled within the app, so you can just run it without installing anything else • Internally, I have upgraded from Tauri V1 to Tauri V2 Beta • The last radio station you listen to will now be saved • Support for AM radio (this was already submitted in a scrapbook for a beta version of this release) • Some other fixes and improvements GitHub: Link to v0.4.0: Here is a video demoing the new RBDS decoding capabilities!
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i made a gemini capsule called Abyss. you can see it at gemini:// (or in a NORMAL web browser w/out certificate://>). it's still unfinished -- but i'm approaching the 25 hour limit, so i'll show it off now. Abyss is a gemini replacement of the "space email" website (from around 2014) with a few extra features; notably, the ability to delete messages, the ability to see past messages, and the ability to reply to messages. it was quite fun to work on and specifically to work around gemini's limitations! for example, gemini provides no way for forms (e.g. text inputs, checkboxes) and only has text, links, queries, and certificates. Abyss maintains state with certificates (similar to how a cgi would work, actually!) and mocks a "SSR SPA" through that. i wish the rust ecosystem for gemini was better than "please help why do i need to have a &'static mut &'static str to add a link" /silly. there are some features and improvements that're still to be made! i intend for: reported messages to be logged to me, spanish i18n (fully supported, i just haven't translated everything yet!!), better / more intuitive UI, better error handling (each page kinda has its own, separate flash and state parameter for displaying errors in a success resp? but returns an anyhow result which turns into a temporary failure resp? idk, just don't crash it and you won't notice /lh). enough blabbering, the repo can be found at attached (hopefully) is a video demonstrating some features™️. also i have no idea if i arcaded correctly at all
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Finally done with my ECS. It's super clean and works well in multi-threaded context! I'm making a minecraft server framework from scratch in rust! To be as fast and robust as possible. So far I've done packets, you can join the world (chunks aren't done) and a lot of stuff is processed ont he server. By completing the ECS, I/We can work on so much more stuff! Would appreciate a star! Thanks! &lt;3
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