I continued working on my NixOS config, updating and testing the installer, fixing bugs and updating my walker app launcher config.
Config: github.com/Noah765/nixos-config
I spent the last few days debugging my Combined Manager fork to make it work with the disko-install tool.
Combined Manager fork: github.com/Noah765/combined-manager
Today I basically finished my calculator plugin for the walker app launcher. I learned a lot about bash (e.g. about named pipes and heredocs), expect scripting and systemd services in the process.
Walker module in my config: github.com/Noah765/dots/blob/main/modules/walker.nix
Today I continued working on my NixOS config. I am currently building a calculator plugin for the walker app launcher and learned a lot about named pipes (also known as FIFOs) and expect scripting.
Dots: github.com/Noah765/dots
Today I continued to work on my NixOS config. I chose an app launcher, styled it and added some useful Nix tools.
Dots: github.com/Noah765/dots
Today I continued to work on my NixOS config. I chose an app launcher, styled it and added some useful Nix tools.
Dots: github.com/Noah765/dots
Today I made the final tweaks and created a PR for my fork of the Combined Manager project, a project that provides a new structure for NixOS configurations. My fork has some bug fixes, better error messages and additional features. This fork is part of my NixOS desktop setup project.
Repo: github.com/Noah765/combined-manager
PR: github.com/FlafyDev/combined-manager/pull/6
Today I finished my fork of the Combined Manager project, a project that provides a new structure for NixOS configurations. My fork has some bug fixes, better error messages and additional features. This fork is part of my NixOS desktop setup project.
Repo: github.com/Noah765/combined-manager
I am almost ready to merge my combined manager fork into main. Today I finally fixed a bug that has been bugging me for a long while.
Combined Manager Fork: github.com/Noah765/combined-manager
I have more or less finished my fork of the combined manager project and migrated my nixos config to it.
Combined Manager Fork: github.com/Noah765/combined-manager
I continued to work on my fork of the Combined Manager project, fighting some bugs in the nixos module system.
Post about the problem: discourse.nixos.org/t/problems-with-option-evaluation/48763
Repo: github.com/Noah765/combined-managerI continued working on my fork of the Combined Manager project, a project that provides a structure for NixOS configurations. My fork provides an even cleaner structure for NixOS configs, better error messages and some additional features. This fork is part of my NixOS desktop setup project.
Repo: github.com/Noah765/combined-manager
I continued working on my fork of the Combined Manager project, a project that provides a structure for NixOS configurations. My fork has a cleaner structure, better error messages and some additional features. This fork is part of my NixOS desktop setup project.
Repo: github.com/Noah765/combined-manager
I created a fork of the Combined Manager project, a project that provides a structure for NixOS configurations. My fork has a cleaner structure, better error messages and will have some additional features. This fork is part of my NixOS desktop setup project.
Repo: github.com/Noah765/combined-manager
I continued working on my NixOS desktop setup.
Eventually, it should include the following features:
• Impermanence (only keep the specified files)
• Efficient window managment (hyprland with the hy3 plugin)
• App picker (anyrun)
• Bar (using waybar or ags)
• Correctly configured apps (for my preference)
• Installer
• Probably more
Repo: github.com/Noah765/dots
I started working on my NixOS desktop setup.
Eventually, it should include the following features:
• Impermanence (only keep the specified files)
• Efficient window managment (hyprland with the hy3 plugin)
• App picker (anyrun)
• Bar (using waybar or ags)
• Correctly configured apps (for my preference)
• Installer
Repo: github.com/Noah765/dots