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Posts tagged with :dino-debugging:

Final arcade update for my java RL library: • Updated the network architecture in the example program • Different layer types • (Spent wayyyy too long trying to debug why my DDQN Agent would not learn lol) GitHub
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This is the beta version of my #C02UN35M7LG| platformer! It is one of few games that bypasses the sprig grid system, and the only reason it feels janky is because Sprig doesn't send keyup events or let you check if a key is pressed, so your code has to operate only on keydown events. Press i for a debug menu! (Note: most of the lag is out of my control, the sprig emulator has iffy performance. Hopefully I can get it working on a real sprig!) Play: sprig.hackclub.com/share/zqNUQdjMUesAvefyCHnK Code: github.com/jeremy46231/sprig/blob/2f9116/games/off-grid-platformer.js
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iCE40 DevBoard · A simple development board design for the iCE5LP2K-SG48 FPGA. I needed to learn how to make FPGA board for a future project (a VGA GPU for my breadboard computer), so I tried making a devboard. Chose the cheapest one that has enough block RAM: iCE5LP2K. There are many issues with the board - no 5v/3v3/GND on the headers, some mistakes in the schematic and other stuff. I couldn't even get the FPGA to configure (maybe fried it during hot-air soldering?) and don't quite have time to debug it/order a new one, so more updates at the GitHub repo I guess. GitHub: github.com/Mirrrek/iCE40DevBoard
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greatly improved the user interface of my portfolio website idea. For now this is a showcase of UI design but I plan to eventually add more functionality but OH MY GOD look at how clean everything is !!! the animations and stuff they're so smooth and took so long to debug ahhhhh but yeah its a really really cool page. view source code here: github.com/shuklabhay/portfolio
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Hello! And I'm back with my C++ ECS game engine for the nth time! :neocat_happy: This time I've added collisions, physics, movements and a bunch of debug features! More importantly, I have 0 memory leaks 😲 ! The project is here: github.com/cheyao/opengl You can download the MacOS binary here: github.com/cheyao/opengl/releases/tag/v4.0
Oh here's another post for a completely different aspect for the same project (Tiny4FSK): At the beginning of #C06SBHMQU8G|, I did a lot of work on assembling, testing, and debugging my Rev. 3 (aka Rev. 1.2). I forgot to post about them. The process included doing precise SMD reflow and soldering, and debugging using test equipment at my local makerspace. Github: github.com/New-England-Weather-Balloon-Society/Tiny4FSK
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Logicytics update 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 Added too much documentation, cleaned up the repo, also gave it more github bot for automation Differences: v2.0.0 vs v2.0.2 Issues Fixed -> #31 Commits: These are yml bot config runs tests Commits:- github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Logicytics/commit/e2bd2f02eafae6e0c9004a8526c2cdff6938603f github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Logicytics/commit/11a52d3a41d2a95661b5125091a59e0138d532d1 github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Logicytics/commit/337af6dfb38c873031ba87383a29334309727584 github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Logicytics/commit/fcb74417bc75fbbe3a286bbb72b2cde07e304c90 github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Logicytics/commit/bf86bd738cfc8e2a0114e3cef65fb0032d9b8351 github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Logicytics/commit/94105f2407af1135230822a6e962a90f355ff386 github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Logicytics/commit/90ceab583871b5d23943bdd573525566308b3669 github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Logicytics/commit/a85ff57d2478948c2e9d6c116745371451b40a80 Wiki Update Revisions Revision 4 wiki Revision 3 Wiki Revision 2 Wiki Documentation Updates + Bug Fixes Commits:- github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Logicytics/commit/08930f08929f92ff0fc355ee06dfbdb1a2a0a45e github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Logicytics/commit/ea1530d2c0cc74a325da6c5d3946de0c0b6b3de0 github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Logicytics/commit/2e48fb517fbd33600f8032b9444a1fa755a21503 github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Logicytics/commit/1c063486a2f53f24ecf9607a94076f34b34f56aa github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Logicytics/commit/d8d28379f53552916a353f8e677e6c24164dc712 github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Logicytics/commit/732bed86b0858b9ad0c4d696f0b7fd7e810933dc github.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Logicytics/commit/aea54013c3560e67dc794eff64d2725d28e72136
This is the third phase of my Tokenized Attention project. I have implemented and tested the single GPU CUDA implementation of the forwards pass, and implemented (but not yet tested) the implementation of the backwards pass. The biggest difficulty I faced was my extremely old GTX 750 GPU, which caused default invocations of the compiler to completely fail to trigger any kernel, without warning me at all, which was fun to debug. I also learnt the internal representation of the PyTorch MultiHeadAttention module and implemented a naive version using PyTorch - exposing the fact that I somehow forgot a negative sign in my Q and K gradient calculations - and to my great dismay I found was 30 times faster than my CPU implementation, though I may take solace in the knowledge that my implementation is significantly more memory-optimized than PyTorch's. The next step will be testing the CUDA backwards pass and writing the multi-GPU forwards and backwards pass, pretty much entirely based on the CPU multithreading code, as well as writing sparse alternatives to cuBLAS. gitlab.com/terezi/DTA
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A lot of new features got added to my game engine today: ImGui debug menu Divs (How to center a div? use the constant CENTER as the position :D) Better text positioning Performance update sRGB, Gama correction etc... Github: github.com/cheyao/opengl Web: Sorry, used up most of my git lfs storage so can't publish on github pages (Gotta save some space for my main repo). Binary: github.com/cheyao/opengl/releases/tag/v3.1
Box-Identifier is a web application designed to simplify the moving process by helping users efficiently label and identify their moving boxes. The application can get an input for an ID for each box, allowing users to retrieve the box name, category, and contents without having to open it. And i have an update and added a few things: • User accounts you can create an account and login • Added API to change and delete boxes • Added api to send a resetpasswordlink(still have to add an email provider) • Added a page where you can create boxes that are linked to your account • Added a dashboard where you can see all of you created boxes Because it is still in a branch and still not done there is no website but you can download it and host it if you want. :copilot-github: Github Copilot was used to help debug and to complete coding lines. :github: Github Repo(User account branch): github.com/EmreKadirTiren/box-Identifier/tree/user-account
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I'm currently making a metroidvania/open-world platformer in sprig, this is a work in process though (hence all the debugging and spec text on the screen) I also had to use the "get AI help" tab in sprig b/c this is my first time using JS for game development Also credit to giragon6 for the foundation of my gravity code from his/her game "dragon duel" current (8/18) version: sprig.hackclub.com/share/XhMd9JUiE8JGbgZOwDwa
:jam: Here’s another update for the text-based RPG that I am building in JavaScript! It’s finally starting to come together, with a lot of the mechanics approaching completion. I fixed bugs related to the sorting of save games, added some debug commands, implemented a whole new mapping system that looks much nicer and has a fog of war, added a combat grid, bugged player turning abilities, and added some foreshadowing for the game jam. (Sorry for the repost, the first one was too big for hakkuun.) GitHub: github.com/beyond-reality-dev/Spoken-Word-Sorcery
Made sub-sections for my website that is based off the old vauge sections. The sections save to a encoded file to the server which the client reads and shows the required sub-sections. Ignore all the logs (it is to debug my always working on first try code) github.com/scooterthedev/AI-Project-Maker/commit/23b3b5b7db02fa836b70fedba936778eaac7efe4 github.com/scooterthedev/AI-Project-Maker/commit/fbe3cc23d31aec09447efbb6e5267c011a2431c7 github.com/scooterthedev/AI-Project-Maker/commit/31623ae5b7e4006ae4114066c0c325a55852869a github.com/scooterthedev/AI-Project-Maker/commit/767f0d1e14936d2d117c12b9d68c78695500d792
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:jam: Here’s to another update for the text-based RPG that I am building in JavaScript! It’s finally starting to come together, with a lot of the mechanics approaching completion. :jam: As I have for the last few updates, I’ll start with the more technical changes and then move on to the more interesting stuff. The first of those was fixing the sorting and categorizing of save games so that they display in the order of creation and retain their numbering after new games are created. This avoids any potential confusion about which save button corresponds to which saved game. I also started adding some more debug commands, such as the teleport command, which allows me to render specific rooms at will, which is good for seeing the game’s layout. I also added a lot more grammar options for using weapons during combat, which should make for a more pleasant experience. And that does it for this scrapbook’s bugfixes! As for more substantive changes, there are a lot. The most exciting one in my opinion is the replacement of the old mapping system, which used floating divs that were super buggy and kind of ugly, with one based on the HTML canvas element. For some reason, I totally forgot about it, but now that I am using it development is way easier. There was a bit of a learning curve to figure out how to generate reasonably sharp lines, but it looks way better, has much higher performance, and does not have any bugs that I’ve seen. It also enables a fog of war system, where only rooms connected to rooms that the player has visited can be seen. This should hopefully improve immersion and encourage exploration of the maps. Some attached images show rooms before and after lifting the fog of war. The new system also has the added advantage of allowing me to render enemies on the map according to their position, which is something that I hope to implement in the future. Speaking of the enemies’ positions, I totally overhauled that system too. I kept trying to make it work without a cartesian coordinates system, to the point where I was getting ready to essentially use polar coordinates instead, when I decided to just get rid of the old method and totally redo it. I’m glad I did, because now enemies can maneuver around the battlefield and weapon ranges can be in terms of feet, which is easier to understand than the close/short/medium/long that I started with (especially since each of those could mean very different things in different rooms). Pathfinding has been implemented, so enemies will attempt to move within their weapon’s range of the player, although they no longer attempt to avoid the player’s attacks as they used to. I hope to bring back this mechanic in a future update, although I might not because the enemies are actually getting very challenging. To combat the improved enemies, I buffed the player’s turning abilities. Now, instead of only being able to turn 45 degrees in a turn, they can now turn up to 90 degrees. This doesn’t sound like a huge change, except that instead of taking 4 turns to attack an enemy behind the player, for example, it now only takes two turns. Player movement is not yet implemented, but that is a top priority for the next scrapbook. Aside from all of these changes, I also kept working on the weapons system, rebalancing and improving them, and I added descriptions for the attacks of all the enemies which should improve immersion. Specifically for the game jam, I also added some more details in the intro that foreshadow the “loophole” themed twist, but no spoilers. Thanks for reading! GitHub: github.com/beyond-reality-dev/Spoken-Word-Sorcery
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Time to release my CHIP-8 emulator. After hours of debugging, bug-fixing and testing the virtual machine, everything should work now. Tested with popular roms like pong, space invaders, star flight or snake. More details in the repo: github.com/niosp/hackclub-arcade/tree/main/chip8-emulator
Made a todo list with react, mongodb, flask, and docker. The amount of debugging I had to do was insane
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another day, another preview of my 2d game in unity. This time I focused on mostly technical changes for debugging and flexibility like changing from setting to scriptable object and creating custom editor window to display custom logs Release: github.com/codeSentinel-x/Slack-project/releases/tag/preview5
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took a bit of a break but was able to get some work done on my project portfolio, mostly debugging and fixing problems with the sections that i didn't notice and i added / started the interests section, here's the repo thou: github.com/presigues/new-project-portfolio
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In the process of creating my language, #lang3, I started to run into instances where I needed to display an error to the user. To increase my ease-of-use as a programmer, and make sure all the errors are consistent, modular, and expandable, I designed a class with some functions that allow me to easily throw errors. They have a variety of parameters, that can be omitted depending on the context of the error, like arguments to be added to a template message, the error location, and whether the error should be fatal or act more as a warning. Creating these sets of functions was quite an experience, as I first tried inheritance to modify a few elements of each error type and inherit from one base error class. After that didn't work to the standards I needed, I learned about and tried to use dynamic C# classes to automatically generate a function for each error type by name. However, after much experimentation, including creating my own argument handling for a variety of flexible overloads, dynamic was simply too slow (54x slower than the usual static class!). I ended up switching back to traditional functions, and created a comprehensive set of overloads and used an enum to make throwing errors easy but following best practices. After much debugging, my error system is ready to show comprehensive and beautiful errors to the users of my language, while making it easy for me to raise them in a customizable manner. The function is designed to be expandable, so I can easily add features like stack traces later on. To check out and use Lang3 (placeholder name), join the #lang3 channel and read the canvas for more information about the project. You can also check out my GitHub repo.
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Eia64 • An Interpreted Programming Language CLICK HERE I've been working on creating an language called Eia64. Check some of the cool examples here. (include branch) Step1. Clone the repo git clone <https://github.com/XomaDev/Eia64> -b include Step2. Use Eia cd Eia64 && java -jar Eia64.jar examples/animation.eia and see some magic! I'll post a screenshot into how Eia code looks. Hope you like it 🙂 Also a note to reviewer: I've tried my all best to do progress each hour. But some of the code commits may look less. I spend a lot of time debugging and analyzing program in my project across many files and it takes time, I hope it is understandable. 🙏 Thank you
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Went to Starterhacks! My teammates @EddieBian and @KahanShah and Richard (who isn't on slack) all contributed hugely to the project. Of course of two days, we build TensorBuild; an drag and drop no-code web application for building tensorflow nerual networks. Every "block" is a new layer, of which is function built with tensorflow in the flask backend. This goal of this project is to educate notice hackers about AI; some people might pick up the logic of neural networks and how a few layers work by watching youtube videos, but don't understand how to make a neural network with tensorflow (since the sytax is confusing). Therefore, Tensorbuild aims to bridge that gap, allowing it's user to drag layers to form a neural network and train it on the website. I worked on the backend, particularly the TensorFlow functions, as debugging on all fronts 😄
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I made a sprig game (not the one for submission) just for me to understand the syntax and ways of sprig. It is in fact the iconic chrome dino run game but the quality is so bad since I had to debug for a very long time. Demo video attached. Github repo: github.com/LinuxDinoGitHub/DinoJumpSprig
I developed my existing foundational level (basically only cout and cin) C++ knowledge by building a console-based Chrome dino run game. The best thing about this game is that no browser is required and it runs on your local terminal. Even though the browser version might be more fun, the main purpose of this project was for me to better grasp the syntax and techniques in C++ such as memory allocation (took me 2 hours to debug). Github repo: github.com/LinuxDinoGitHub/ConsoleDino Demo video attached ("no no its not a bug its a feature, a very hard obstacle that trains your reflexes"):
This project is my first React Native project and it was torture to be completely honest. Building something by yourself and not knowing what you are doing can lead to hours of debugging and you almost going insane (Now I have become the personification of insanity). This is a book journal app, designed mainly for the purpose of motivating myself to read more since I am currently failing language classes. This is only a prototype of the app and getting myself to understand React native syntax and concepts, and I had to cut this short because I reached the 25-session limit (maybe even over). If I feel like it again, I might create a final version of this app and launch it for yall to use as well. Feel free to give feedback and criticism below in this thread. Github repository: github.com/LinuxDinoGitHub/LinuxReads Demo video attached
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#arcade I finished basic hardware testing of my little motor control PCB! The only thing I haven't tested is the battery charging, since I don't have a suitable battery. Things I have tested: • Can be powered on without exploding • 3.3v regulator on the motor chip works (though with a flaw that requires a kickstart to get it going) • Can be programmed and flash an LED • Can be clocked to a max 64mhz • Power mosfet switching works on the charger • Can communicate over SPI, UART and the debug interface Next phase involves getting a motor to spin, and designing a gearbox. Check out my project here: github.com/techy-robot/Mighty-Micro-Motors
Finished a <https://angad.me/projects/hello-time/|blog post >that I wrote for one of my projects, Hello, time?. While writing the post I also spent a while debugging the project itself as timezones weren't being handled correctly. I didn't want to publish the post when the project had a major issue. Thus, I fixed the issue and then came back and finished the blog post.
Added a new module and 2 new commands to MCProxy! Automatic Skywars Armor Swapping saves you time so you don’t have to worry about switching armors in skywars and you can get right to the pvp! /debug allows you to view debug info about the proxy’s state, to make sure it’s functioning as it should /apikey lets you view the active api key for the proxy, in case you want to use it elsewhere! All mcproxy-specific commands (like dump packets, debug, and api key) allow prefixes of /mcproxy: before the command name, to make sure you’re running mcproxy commands! github.com/TBHGodPro/McProxy
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Top Full Stack Freelance Software Developer Career & Works! www.guru.com/freelancers/jason-ma My Technical Expertise Includes: - UX/UI design, Brand/Logo design, Frontend development - Backend Development, Databases, Data Expertise - Android/IOS Mobile App Development, Mobile App UI design - Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Development - Ecommerce Website | Payment Gateways Integration (PayPal, Google Checkout, Stripe, FirstData, ChinaPay, ApplePay) - Asp.Net, VB.Net, C#, MVC Programming - Third Party APIs Integration (including Google, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Rackspace, RETS (IDX/MLS), MS Exchange Server, Vimeo, TheMovieDB, TheGamesDB, RottenTomatoes, PostcodeAnyWhere, Unleashed, Kissmetrics, Wistia, Maropost and other) - Online manipulations with files (PDF, XLS(X), CSV, ZIP) and images - Creating full automated systems for scraping/sending data from/to protected sites - Complex math calculation - Fixing bad/old code and doing step-by-step full code refactoring without breaking live mode... - Web Scraping and Crawling (Python and Node.js) - Agile Development, Testing and Debugging - Strong Collaboration and Communication Skills - Adaptability and Flexibility What I Bring to the Business Table: - Design and Develop High-Quality & Clean Code - Ensure Robust Security and Software Testing - Deliver User-Friendly and Innovative Solutions
Part 5 yayyy here's it working, got some issue with registration thing... but the login and the captcha is workingg.... (I'm very bad at debugging)
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Have been recently inspired by Open Interpreter, and I'm on a journey to build my own version from scratch! Introducing Openmacro! Which aims to be a multiplatform personal agent which allows LLMs to run code locally. Openmacro aims to act as a personal agent capable of completing and automating simple to complex tasks autonomously via self prompting. The project is still in early development (just started last week!), and I just hit my first milestone that I'd love to share with you guys! Note, it might not be too impressive, yet! At the moment I've built the core base of the program, and have given access for LLMs to access the web! For now, it uses freely hosted AI, LLM, Vision and Code models in the Qwen series on Huggingface Spaces meaning you don't need an API key to get started! I've attached a small demo of what it can do so far! You can check out the project here (it's still a bit messy, so I do apologise): github.com/amooo-ooo/openmacro Next steps if to optimise searches, debugging and add full browser control, meaning the LLM will be able to press buttons and interact with websites autonomously!
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For #arcade I have implemented (finally, took many hours of debugging) an authentication abstraction over surrealdb It allows you to sign up with a basic username / email / password which is persisted on the server, then sign back in with the same email and password Crucially, this is all implemented in Rust, including the databasing implementation itself (which is AWESOME!), the scripting language and the testing framework (cargo). Because of this there is rather a lot of dependencies, around 870! Takes a while to cold compile ;)