

Today I worked on stuff from previous days, and after having some very interesting conversations 🤔 with @U01P8NH2WK0 🐮 at #pasture I decided to research more and learn new things on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence! 🧠 💻 To do this I will research about GPT-3 and GitHub Copilot! Also thanks @ZaynB for the videos recommendations! This are going to be very helpful to work with AI/ML resources and think on some projects!!!
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Today was Hack Night, it's the second time I joined, happy to be there this time with @clairebookworm, @rishi, @neel.redkar, @Clawrence040, @hugo.y.hu935, @linus, @ZaynB and the others who also joined later on! Today there is no significant coding progress, but did some other science studies, also planned a bit about building my first website, but I want to finish the club's workshop first, which I'm almost done.