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Posts tagged with :goose-honk-technologist:

not much code today, just forms & matchup.
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made a hack card,pretty cool ig
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Final day of <#C07NUNPGEU8|>! :roo-yay: The QR code generator is complete, here are the highlights from that: • Nest admins struggled to add my domain :heavysob: • Added the :nest: logo to the generator • Modified CSS to make that work And some quick edits to the URL shortener: • Moved to an .env file so that was pure chaos • Fixed some errors caused by my bad code practices :heavysob: Find both projects here! & Find my nest project series repo here:
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Day 9?/10 of <#C07NUNPGEU8|> My QR code generator is practically (and most importantly... shippably) complete! Here are the features: • Create a qr code which can link to any text or URL (get a URL with!) • Add an image to brand it (custom images coming soon™️), make it hack club themed for your hc projects! • Download the qr code as a SVG or PNG _without_ signing up for a newsletter (cough cough most "free" pdf websites cough) Coming soon to Nest at <|>, not there yet but expect it by tmr!
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I tried to get my lcd1602 to work, but it's really sensitive and wasn't working. I spent at least 10 minutes trying to rewire the wires before realizing the lcd didn't work. Sadly, it's still sensitive, and I can only see a blue screen, rather than the little square things that usually show up. Also, I read the documentation for the lcd, yet for one library, there was none, and I'd have to read over the actual functions, which really confused me. When I tried to make my own code, I realized how off I was because I of that library. Also my workspace is getting messier and messier. Oh well:
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I rewrote my Text class as a textObject closure. I did this because private properties in functions were causing syntax errors in my physical Sprig, and I didn't want to just prefix it with something like _ because it doesn't actually enforce private-ness. With a closure, I can have variables out of scope for consuming code. I did the same with GameObject -&gt; gameObject, but unfortunately I ended up deleting it while trying to commit it to source code. The code I had before I deleted it had used components (with logic) attached to the game object instead of the inheritance I was using before. I don't want to use inheritance with closures, and at least this way I might be able to improve my Command code. Plot twist: when I opened the Sprig editor to take a screenshot for Scrapbook, my changes were magically there! Maybe I had multiple tabs or something and one was out of date. I should commit this tomorrow because it's getting late.
🌟 Presenting Flippedy Floppedy LEDs! (derived from the keyword, Flip Flop) 🌟 The first ever project here made with the shift register? maybe? idk. How do I make it work?: Go to the code and uncomment any one of the given examples! The default is a binary counter. Examples included: oneafteranother() : Blink one LED after the other! oneonatatime() : Blink one LED at a time! pingpong() : Watch the LEDs mimic a ping pong pattern! randomled() : Blinks any random LED Wokwi link:
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Day ?/10 of <#C07NUNPGEU8|> I realized that, turns out that using buttons with a background image in CSS doesn't make for good accessibility :heavysob: (Tried that with a screen reader, horrible lol). I really want to make accessibility a priority so time to redo my entire button code :pf: No good screenshots yet, nothings working very well (smth to do with the hc theme CSS it seems, the radio btns aren't showing?). But you can see how scuffed my coding is!
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Day ?/10 of #C07NUNPGEU8|(help i forgot) I've been gone for the last 2 days but I'm here to make up for it! Css still kinda #C02EXAC2WR0|. What happened? • There are now options for adding images in the center (WIP) • More hack club themed! (Thanks open source :) ) • There's a download button now! • Changed libraries for more features :heavysob: This has been amazing :) Find a link for this project soon :yay:
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Today I put my pronoun counter on github after cleaning up the code a bit and writing some instructions up. You can find it here. I also started working on a slack bot template for typescript but faced some odd errors I had never seen before that were not happening on a copy of the code.
Work on the Hack Pad not sure if it works, at this point i'm just making stuff up as I go
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Worked on my pronoun counter today & got some results! I wouldn't say they are conclusive as nearly 4/5ths of the folks on slack have unset pronouns, but interesting none the less. If anybody's curious/wants to see the code I use for this I'm happy to put it up on GitHub, it just needs a bit of cleaning.
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Today, for I spent ~3 hours working on @Therapist , my personal channel (#C07F7R5PR37|)'s ~slave~ unpaid worker, you can join the channel to see the initial workflow, and I'm working on the home menu as we speak! Here's the full code for it:
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Day 3/10 of <#C07NUNPGEU8|>! Today I finished most of the URL shortener's small things :). URLs are now scanned for malware before they are shortened. I'm getting started on a QR code generator :yay:! So far I have the basic generation done (I might have to swap the library for more features :heavysob:). Slightly #C02EXAC2WR0| but oh well (I promise it will look better, also gonna be hack club themed cause that's gonna give me an excuse to try out this typescript + next.js idk thing lol) for the URL shortener, QR code generator isn't live yet ):, coming soon ™️!
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Built an entire content management system where my website clients can log in and modify things without editing any code. Currently supports images, simple text, and events.
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Day 2/10 of <#C07NUNPGEU8|>! Ok I was down on day 1 due to wifi issues but I'm in action 1 day later with changes to my URL shorter! What happened? • I double-checked my code and pushed turnstile to production (is that the right word?)! • I continued work on URL virus detection Find my URL shortener here! Find my progress on hakatime! Oh... and I'm doing some Qr code and virus detection testing here!;project=test-qrcodes
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made a custom backrooms-esque generation system! uses simplex noise and the code is a mess, but it sure does look cool!! also I implemented a chunking system so that's why it cuts off after a bit. I can also very easily change the size of the chunks and the render distance, as well as a ton of other things, PLUS I added a debug/noclip mode to get this shot. AND because I stole this from one of my other projects, you can easily add structures/little add on things.
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Remade the whole site from its source code (bare html + css) and added waayyyy more functionality thats actually useful! Now the new sticker website lets you: -Add stickers to your collection by clicking on them -Remove stickers from your collection -Remember your stickers when you return to the site! Demo it here!: Warning! Its kinda ass cuz I'm not that familiar with react or next js so I just remade it on plain html for now until I can learn 😭
Have trouble with the display and code Imma scrap this and book to it later
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Today I organized my backend code a bit for my site, also hosting my friend's site
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I have been aggregating all my self-created code while learning ML. These notebooks contain helpful demos of various AI concepts and practice I have done through mini-projects. I only created arcade sessions for time I spent writing my own code. Anyone can run my notebooks.
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This is the beta version of my #C02UN35M7LG| platformer! It is one of few games that bypasses the sprig grid system, and the only reason it feels janky is because Sprig doesn't send keyup events or let you check if a key is pressed, so your code has to operate only on keydown events. Press i for a debug menu! (Note: most of the lag is out of my control, the sprig emulator has iffy performance. Hopefully I can get it working on a real sprig!) Play: Code:
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As a couple of you may know I've been working on an AI assistant that can run code locally on your computer. HOWEVER!!! In order to get the AI to be fully autonomous with limitless capabilities there must be some sort of interface the AI can use to make completing tasks easier as LLMs models are not always 100% reliable. SO, taking advantage of what it is to be an opensource project, I've been working on ompi which is the package manager for openmacro similarly like pip!! this means that you (yes you) can write extensions and interfaces for the AI to use! At the moment by default, I made a browser extension that allows the AI to have access to the web! Today I've finished the progress for the basic UI for the projects page. you can track progress on ompi here (on the github repo): also for the arcade reviewers, i've attached some of my hours from openmacro too since I forgot and missed to attach them with the previous openmacro post. I'm really sorry in advance :sob-hole:
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Wrote a code library for FTC to teach others more advanced concepts, including how to structure the robot using classes and Field-Oriented Control.
Hello everyone! I just finished building my Hostel Management website. You can check out the repository here: This was a long project, so I'll be sharing updates in multiple messages in the #C01504DCLVD| channel. I apologize in advance to the reviewers because the sessions are not in sequential order. I wasn't aware that only 50 sessions are displayed, so I couldn't select them in sequence. Also, just a heads-up: I'm not very experienced with JavaScript, so it took me some time to research, learn, and implement the necessary logic to make everything work correctly. Please consider this when reviewing my project. Additionally, I reused some CSS in parts of the website. If you come across a commit with a large block of CSS code, please note that it was copied from another stylesheet. Although I made some changes, not all lines were edited. For example, out of 400 lines, about 100 lines were modified. Thank you for your understanding!
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I created a website that features gradient backgrounds along with a transparent footer. You can check out the code on my GitHub repository here:
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This is a simulator for a Magic: The Gathering-like card game my friends and me worked on, with emphasis on abstraction and modding. It's currently in a very rough draft, but I got most of the game logic to work, and you can play with it yourself! Shipped at Source code & README at
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After countless hours of tinkering, writing code, and testing with hardware, the DEEJ-Audio Mixer is nearly complete, but due to a lack of production facilities, the project must temporarily be put on hold until the right circumstances align. Github Repo:
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After countless hours of tinkering, writing code, and testing with hardware, the DEEJ-Audio Mixer is nearly complete, but due to a lack of production facilities, the project must temporarily be put on hold until the right circumstances align. Github Repo:
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#C06SBHMQU8G| After some work, the first official release of my library, perfjail, is finally here. It's a Rust project inspired by sio2jail - a tool the Polish Olympiad in Informatics uses to failry measure time on its contests. My main goals are to do what sio2jail does, but significantly faster (at times) and as a library instead of a CLI tool. You can find the library here: (it's not yet released to, but this is a working, albeit sometimes still slightly buggy, version), and I've made a quick little demo of it working on a branch of my CLI testing tool Toster, which you can find here ( To see it in action you can simply build this branch and then use Toster with the sio2jail flag, however all you should see is faster runtime when running smaller tests, which might be difficult to notice, but it's defintely there. If you have any problems running it or understanding any of the code, please feel free to message me - this is a really interesting field to me, and I've encountered many fun challanges to work around whilst doing pretty pure systems programming interfacing directly with the Linux kernel.
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AnsonSSTVProtocol [WIP] A custom sstv protocol i made, with a website that can encode and decode (This is a failed project, but the project is shipped and somewhat playable) Visit the site and try out the game yourself Source code can and installation tutorial can be found in my github repository: This is how the protocol work • Each tone is sent for 20ms • The header sent is 011000010110111001110011011011110110111001110011011100110111010001110110, which is just ansonsstv in binary where the lows are 400hz and highs are 700hz • The payload is sent subpixel by subpixel, each subpixel color value is 0-255, which is mapped to 900hz to 1900hz. • In between each pixels, it is seperated by 700hz for 20ms and 2200hz for 20ms • In between each lines, it is seperated by 01101100011010010110111001100101 which is just line in binary where the lows are 400hz and the highs are 700hz Attached below are some photos and videos of the site in action