

0-day streak
This is the finished version of the very awesome Bob (some simple little plush) drawing!!! This is the repository for the drawing with the four stages this drawing passed through: To give you an idea of how much the drawing has changed, this was the first stage: And this is the finished stage: With that you have the finished version of the awesome drawing!!! Thank you!!! Enjoy!!!
This is the finished version of the very awesome lake drawing!!! This is the repository for the drawing with the four stages this drawing passed through: To give you an idea of how much the drawing has changed, this was the first stage: And this is the finished stage: With that you have the finished version of the awesome drawing!!! Thank you!!! Enjoy!!!
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This is the finished version of the very awesome mountain site drawing!!! This is the repository for the drawing with the four stages this drawing passed through: To give you an idea of how much the drawing has changed, this was the first stage: And this is the finished stage: With that you have the finished version of the awesome drawing!!! Thank you!!! Enjoy!!!
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This is the finished version of the very awesome space drawing!!! This is the repository for the drawing with the five stages this drawing passed through: To give you an idea of how much the image has changed this was the first stage: And this is the finished stage: With that you have the finished version of the awesome drawing!!! Thank you!!! Enjoy!!!
Here is the updated Perceptron model: For those of you who don't know what I am creating it is basically a combination of many AI model and it is called Perceptron a model that can talk to you (the transfer learning model) only triggered by its name (Perceptron) and it also has manual resposes here are some examples: plays music, stops music, searches on google, searches on the wiki, gets the time, gets the weather and more... Apart from the transfer learning model it also has an image recognition model that you can also train and when you say the word "image" when you talk it asks for the path and predicts what the image is!!! It also has a sentiment analisis model that when you talk to Perceptron after it responds it (the sentiment analisis model) also tells you its prediction for how you are feeling example: happy, sad ... Apart form that it also has another model, an object detection model that can find different objects in an image and show the original image but with the boxes for the different objects!!! And the latest model is an OCR model (optical character recognition) what it does is it finds text in images and can tell you what it sees!!! • Here is the Perceptron home page with all the models: • Here is the newest model (the OCR model): • For more information you can check out the readme: I will link all of the scraps for this model!!! I had a very annoying error but just today fixed it and right now the model is up and training!!! I will use this OCR model to be able to "see" (recognize) the text in my screen joined with the object detection model that can recognize images!!! So withought further a-do I will leave you with all of my scraps!!! I hope you enjoy!!!
Here is the updated Perceptron model: For those of you who don't know what I am creating it is basically a combination of many AI model and it is called Perceptron a model that can talk to you (the transfer learning model) only triggered by its name (Perceptron) and it also has manual resposes here are some examples: plays music, stops music, searches on google, searches on the wiki, gets the time, gets the weather and more... Apart from the transfer learning model it also has an image recognition model that you can also train and when you say the word "image" when you talk it asks for the path and predicts what the image is!!! It also has a sentiment analisis model that when you talk to Perceptron after it responds it (the sentiment analisis model) also tells you its prediction for how you are feeling example: happy, sad ... The latest model (the one I have just created) is a object detection model that can find different objects in an image and show the original image but with the boxes for the different objects!!! • Here is the Perceptron home page with all the models: • Here is the newest model (the object detection model): • Here is the updated Perceptron code: Unfortunately the model still hasn't finished it training but it definetly trains and has pretty good results so far!!! Next I hope on creating a text recognition model for an even greater finished project!!! So, to not make you wait any longer here are the sessions!!! ENJOY!!!
Here is the finished version of the sentiment analisis model I have been working on!!! • This is the actual code for the model: If you train that model you get a trained and saved model ready for usage this model adds to the previously created transfer learning model for talking, image recognition and soon to be created image detection model!!! • Here is the code for Perceptron with the models we have already discussed: • And here is the home page for Perceptron: For those of you who don't know what I am creating it is basically a combination of many AI model and it is called Perceptron a model that can talk to you (the transfer learning model) only triggered by its name (Perceptron) and it also has manual resposes here are some examples: plays music, stops music, searches on google, searches on the wiki, gets the time, gets the weather and more... Apart from the transfer learning model it also has an image recognition model that you can also train and when you say the word "image" when you talk it asks for the path and predicts what the image is!!! The latest model (the one I have just created) is a sentiment analisis model that when you talk to Perceptron after it responds it (the sentiment analisis model) also tells you its prediction for how you are feeling example : happy, sad ... All of these models are really cool but believe it or not there are still more comming!!! For more information on Perceptron read the readme at: I really enjoy this project and think it makes a good combination of several AI's two for talking (the transfer learning model and the sentiment analisis model) and two for image recognition (image recognition model and the yet to come image detection model)!!! With that I leave you to enjoy the journey I had to create the sentiment analisis model (probably my hardest model yet!!!)
Here is the finished version of my new and improved CNN model: The CNN model works by inputing an image and it tells you what class it thinks it is • Here is the model training code: All of this adds to the already created Perceptron model which is a model that can talk thanks to a Transfer Learning model and some manual if statements here I created another one that checks if the user asks to input an image and the it accseses the trained CNN model that says what it thinks the image is. Here is the code for Perceptron: If you want more info on what I am doing please check out the respository for Perceptron: Anyway hope you enjoy the code!!!
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This is the finished version of Perceptron for now but I will modify Perceptron in future sessions: • Home page and readme: • Transfer Learning model: • Example of how the Transfer Learning model might generate responses: • And the actual code for Perceptron the manual if statements for features and the conversation model: If you train the model and run the Perceptron code you should have a fully functioning conversation model with some cool features and you can run this code using a cron job and have Perceptron running on the background of you computer and only be trigged by using the key work Perceptron. For more information see the readme of Perceptron. But, Perceptron doesn't finish there I am planning to create a CNN model that will add functions to Perceptron. So, I will be back...
Hi guys, I finished building the adeeptpicar-b (rover) which works really well!!! This is what it looks like:_