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Posts tagged with :atom:

Today I studied again for my exam of tomorrow! Also it's raining very hard right now. Today as well I read that GitHub is going to archive Atom! It was the first code editor I used and it's always going to be special for me even when I've been using vs code a lot lately! Because of this, I saw as well other benefits of forks and some things about Electron framework for desktop apps! Also I'm going to be reading the hobbit again!
Today I started to work on my Visual Studio Code setup! :vsc: I installed Atom's :atom: One Dark theme which is awesome, and Prettier code formatter :macbook-air-space-gray-screen: that was a recommendation from @caleb! I also studied for my exams 🦠 , and worked on a new PR :pr: for Hack Club! :hack-club: Also here's macOS penguin default wallpaper. 📸
So today I finished setting up my GitHub profile, yesterday I started working on a redesign on it, and today it's done. I used a code block with Python Syntax Highlighting for my Introduction and About Me, I added badges that redirect to both my scrapbook and my polywork, change my visits counter color to red which I like more because it's my favorite color, while writing this, my GitHub profile exceeded a lot of total views and it's growing! I also organized more the languages I use and my tools! For tomorrow I hope to work on more awesome things and maybe in my projects in development!!!
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Today I decided to make some changes to my Github Readme now that I know more things about coding, for this, I'm going to be using a code block for my introduction! Although, today there's no other coding progress, because I'm checking some things and details with my side projects before making them public and hosting the repos.
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So, as I mentioned two days ago: I did a fresh reset of MacOS Monterey on my M1 Macbook Air and I set up some coding tools, like iTerm and Atom and also installed Homebrew, did more research on using Git and started using Raycast after moving on from Alfred. In addition to this, I learned more about website deployment and useful tools for it and finally found the perfect domain name for my personal/blog/portfolio/projects Website, although I can't buy it at the moment.
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starting to get the language-naz package off the ground
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