

0-day streak
glad to anounce that the editor is now operational! you can write openscad code and hit render and you'll get to see your model, you can also export your models to an stl file to 3d print them
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Finished making an adapter for my pine cil to hold on to the stand note that if someone is going to use it they should make theside that holds the pine cil about 7 mm bigger because i had to glue a little piece of plastic to hold it
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#arcade the plane is pretty much ready to now and the prototype telemetry computer works!
im happy to anounce that forge editor is now at a working state although definitely not final and tbh the colors and the ui look weird but its usable! you can find the github for it at you can find it here
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Quick update on my website im working on a markdown to html converter so i can easily write blogs
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Final day of #15-days-in-public! TODAY: I finally got three.js working properly and everything is moving in a way were there are stars and when you scroll you first get away from them and then your camera rotates 90 degrees and then there will be a rocket and a planet at the end as if a rocket just landed on mars and then there will be ressources on the planet like rocks and each will have a link to my github etc ill make it a png file which ill make with blender in a cartoonish style check it out at and you can also check the github out at JUNE 17TH here you can see the commits of june 17th then in this same post ill make the post i was supposed to make on june 17th using the vcs to restore every thing to how it was back then i would have posted a scrapbook but you know how it is sometimes when we have exams etc so im doing this and i hope it will count ok back then i had just added a css file and i was experimenting with how to get the size right so that it would adjust to the viewport so that it wasnt too small or too big on different devices i also learnt that there is in fact a difference between using something like gunicorn and using the flask dev server for example that day i learnt from a youtube tutorial that app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True allows the server to automatically relooad itself so you dont have to stop and restart it all the time which used to be incredibly anoying it was also not very impressive but the previous days i had been focusing on seting up caddy and the domain things right because i thought it was the least straight forward thing which it in fact was fun fact i originally wanted the domain to be then i didnt know how to do it so it ended up being but i had done it wrong so i had to make a new cname record and that was lol
looks like i got three js is working! you can view it at
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in the end ill just go with a simple 3d website using three js here i have a simple cube
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hehe hehe yea... i have to download about 80 gigs if not more of hdris because my plan for my website is for it to first show Patricio/Patcybermind with a blurry image of a horizon and then then as you scroll a fighter jet is gonna come up and swoosh through the screen what do yall think?
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day 12 i thin of #15-days-in-public! so i worked on my website ! and i finally got the domain working and the port working so now you dont have to type! i just had to change some lines in the Caddy file and it worked. After that i transfered the styling i had done in html to css so that things are easier to change for exemple, the color of the main text is now a variable however the website is currently running on the flask dev server which isnt very sustainable. I used to use gunicorn but when setting up my domain i realised that my username had an upercase character and for reasons i dont understand it had to be lowercase so the nest admins kindly changed my name from Patcybermind to patcybermind which as you could have guessed broke quite a bit of things with my user install. For the most part it wasnt that bad like i could easily make a new python venv etc and some stuff you could easily change by changing the file names but nix, wellp thats more complicated. not only did gunicorn break but i also cant uninstall it to reinstall it or to simply use the debian install so ill have to see what ill do when i get there. Aside from that today i also worked on the sprig website which is something i had been wanting to do for a long time but i didnt know how to start thankfully cosmin and some of the other sprig devs helped me out which im very grateful for because i had no clue how to start and then i set the dev server wrong.
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day 6 of #15-days-in-public! today i got my domain working and i learnt what caddy does well the base you can now visit my website at ! im trying to get rid of the :5040 but i need administrative permissions for that so ill see if i can get it to work with the nest team of if i spin up a vm idk if that would work also i think i might change the predomain me. name to home. i think itl look better!
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took a bit of thinkering but i got my website running using gunicorn instead of the development flask server and i registered a .tech domain with my student dev pack account and im still trying to figure out how to add it because all the tutorials do it with fancy ui based website builders but i found one that usses flask so ill prob be able to get it running under tmr
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Day 3 of #15-days-in-public ! So i got flaskworking after i disconnect from the nest server over ssh by making a bash script that runs the ython file and redirects the output to a log file and its actually running rn if you want to check it out! its simple right now because it took me like over an hour to figure out why i couldnt view the website on other devices than my pc or even from my pc when vscode wasnt running and i realised that its because i was using the private ip and i just needed to use the public ip. I also started working on a script that kills the website when i want it to but i get an error when i run so for now i have to open btop and kill the process manually
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i am currently learning how to make a website in flask and how to setup pip on #nest because its having a hard time ill see if i can have something basic running by the end of the day but i gtg soon so idk
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new update for my 3d wireframe renderer for the sprig it can now take stl files from programs like blender and you can explore them in your srpig!
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on it again
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Hey kids dont use hotglue on a thing that spins at over 12k rpm and if you do please wear safety glasses i could have lost and eye right there i badicly glued the shaft to the motor from the outside cuz its an outrunner motor with hot glue and at like one third throttle i just hear poop poop poop those are 3 hot glue pieces flying into the walls i only saw one piece lol but yeah luckily i wasnt in line of sight and i wear glasses
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turns out when something stops working on arch its fairly easy to fix it, the slicer i use (cura) didnt want to open the file manager to import stls and this fixed it!
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why does mandelbrot look like a squashed platypus
aplying for an FRC team im freaking bad at introducing myself i ended up keeping it simple
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Making a levo car cuz i cant use my pc
ordered my card with the grant from #onboard!!!
making a program for #blot!
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im trying to make a 3d renderer and first a scafold so people can easily use the sprig with C
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damn i didnt think termal paste made that much of a difference turns out i was WRONG
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flashing pop os to a thumb drive
Can you guess what i am doing?
today i worked and am working on sprig minecraft. so far ive gotten the textures to work, now i just need to make something that fills in the gap
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today i worked on sprig minecraft #sprig-minecraft i tried to clean the code but it was alread clean so i ended up doing nothing useful today other than a plan for how it will render textures
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im experimenting with codespaces and trying to set a beammp server up
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today ui contrinued my cpu in minecraft i made the hex rom and added a hex to bin and made a multiplexer and then the biggest part is the cache i know that its counterintuiative because it bigger but its because that cache is much faster than the hex rom
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today ive been trying to get the sprigs screen wrking in micropython and in javascipt but i abandoned javascipt after a few hours i di dont finish yet i got the screen to light up white but nothing more its so hard and complicated
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today i learnt how to install windows programs on linux!
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i got kaluma js working on my sprig!!!
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today i got my sprig! i built it and now im gonna try and play games on it! u dint have a picture rn but ill take one tmr but im gonna atach this, this si were im at
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today i changed a tiny bit an planned the code for the sprig 3d renderer
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today i learnt about the raspberry pi pico and circui tpython and micro python, im still a bit comfused tough
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winter-hardware-wonderland emoji i added camera rotation to my 3d wireframe renderer! also can someone please test it on a sprig and tell me how well it runs (does it take 5 seconds to rotate the camera 1 degree? or 1 ? or does it run well and like 0.1 secs?) i don't have my sprig yet so i dont know and i want to know to know wheter i should try and add textures (and make it harder to run/slower) if you do please dm me thanks
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today among other things i tried to do ocr
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today i worked on my 3d wireframe renderer
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today i worked a lot on my sprig 3d wirefram renderer, i changed a lot of stuff to make my code cleaner so that i can move on to the next step wich is zclipping
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today i did not do much, but i started making instruction rom for my 2 hz minecraft cpu its the first time i use hex rom
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today i learnt that its quite easy to change my mac on linux
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im gonna submit this and ill continue working on it to make it capable of camera rotation while i wait for reviewers to review it
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