python emoji

Posts tagged with :python:

Today: I worked on a new project(started it yesterday), it is a habit tracker in python and I am working on the looks of it and trying to advance it more, hopefully this project is a success!
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First post for me! Today: Did some more blender stuffs Learned a bit more css Bug fixed my python phone!
Wrote a Python script serving with CGI which draws a banner for my GitHub profile's README with data from the GraphQL API! The XP and LV is based on my contribution count (public and private depending on profile settings).
Started working on a project with my brother involving the NBA apis and predictions, prob not gonna be open source but we are each coding it our own way, I'm coding in Go and he's coding in Python.
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I got a bit more done on Slack Summarizer today; I added the Python OAuth server and I started working on the Rust side of it. My wifi was really slow for most of the day so hopefully it’s fixed tmrw.
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Making a password generator in Python
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started learning python today. MAN, this is awesome!
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working on same periodic table visualizer.... • generates SVG(s) of every element using python with svgwrite • then uses javascript and css and html to visualize it with layout... it's almost done, I'm giving it final touches
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building a periodic table visualizer! 1. it generated SVGs of every element with their detailed info (using python and svgwrite) 2. HTML+CSS+JS to show the periodic table currently, for testing, I put them as a rectangle, now I will make them proper layout just like original table.
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Day 10: Python project uses yfinance which is a public API for yahoo finance Look up companies, their recent stock values, and articles about them!
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Added entities to the level editor for my game. The game is in c++ with sdl2, but the level editor is in python with pygame-ce.
Day 5 of Advent of Code! Both parts in Python, working on it in Excel now..
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spend a lot of time setting up, always needs to do that when using languages other than js and python lmao
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today i worked on trying to figure out using python as backend api with flask for my graphing calculator and made some pretty good progress.
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Worked on the python learning materials for my hackclub needed while I explain right now it just covers the basics... Day 5 of thanksgiving special scrapes btw
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scrap: today I worked for 1.5 hrs on my python chatbot w/JSON. I finished the UI and 1 algorithm. I also attended the minecraft event
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worked on creating some cool maps with folium and pandas library on python with data
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Working on minesweeper game in python!
today i finished my vex robotics high stakes simulator in python but somehow ended up updating it to 3 different repos by accident 😭
I created Tank Fight, a multiplayer tank battle game written entirely in Python. This project combines my passion for coding and game development, offering a fun and interactive experience for players. In the game, two players control tanks on a shared battlefield, aiming to destroy each other using strategy and precision. I designed the gameplay mechanics to include features like shooting projectiles, avoiding obstacles, and navigating the terrain. The game loop handles collision detection, movement, and scoring in real-time, ensuring smooth gameplay. I'm still in early stages but it will be awesome!
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making my python-based face recognition app better
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Okay - for my Nixvim configuration today, i added autocompletions and snippets using friendly snippets and nvim-cmp; add whichkey to show set keybindings; add Lazygit support; add enum all for treesitter; add telescope keybindings; and add debugging for: c using codelldb, c++ using codelldb, rust using codelldb + rustaceanvim, go using dap-go and delve, and python using dap-python. The rustaceanvim alone took me more than an hour 😭. Though, here's a pic of my debugging setup with codelldb + rust with the simple Josephus problem:
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today i worked on my python json chatbot. I got a 400 line json file for more data, made the file compatible with the bot, and made the ui easier to use
Working on a Minecraft Launcher built in Python 🔥. Finished the home page UI today, gonna start working on the other UI elements and also backend tomorrow.
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Today I polished up a website and shipped it, and started on a new project in python (pig latin translator)
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made a working demo of conway's game of life in python 🙏
Today I added UI and logic for my upcoming expense tracker written in python
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Figured out how to better calculate the center coordinate for an object on the screen that is being template matched (using CV2 and Python).
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Been a long time since I actually posted something on here... I have made an app for android (and linux) that makes using AirPods on those operating systems way easier and better. Do you know how much Apple likes to restrict most of the features to their devices. Well, I removed the restriction! I reverse-engineered how Apple devices communicate with AirPods and wrote an app for linux and android. AirPods use the L2CAP Bluetooth protocol to communicate with apple devices. The linux version of this app has multiple scripts. One of them runs as a daemon to handle the connection, and others to handle UI, userspace, like pausing music, lowering volume, etc.. I did this so that I can have multiple applications which can talk to the AirPods without interrupting the other one. It is written purely in Python. Currently, I have made a tray application using PyQT5/6. It manages ear detection, conversational awareness, and gives me control over ANC. And, it shows the battery level too! As for the Android app, well I have attached a few images! Yes, I have tried to clone iOS's settings screen for AirPods.
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The android app was a pain to work upon. For starters, Android's bluetooth stack sent extra packets to the AirPods to check for some flow control mode. The AirPods will not respond to anything until they receive a specific handshake packet. I had to download the entire android source to test out and edit the (the bluetooth stack). Then, I used my smol brain to make a few changes to the source code (and by a few changes, i mean commented a few lines)... And, it worked! Rant about Apple - Guess what- They hide their handshake packet from the PacketLogger app which allows me to view all the packets sent/received from my mac to any bluetooth device. Fortunately this was available online thanks to some other people who worked way before me. Apple even hid another packet necessary to activate Conversational Awareness and Adaptive Audio! Somehow, I got really, really, really lucky, and the packet just showed up in the PacketLogger app, shortly after which, it crashed.
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What works on the app – • Accurate battery levels • In-Ear detection – Music is automatically paused when they're taken out of ear! Plus, AirPods are removed as an available audio output device when none of the AirPods are in ear. • Conversational Awareness – Lowers volume when you start speaking! • Set Noise Control Mode – I can change the Noise Control Mode on my AirPods Pro 2! • Renaming AirPods • And a bunch of other settings extracted from the iOS/iPadOS settings page. ◦ Namely, Toggle Conversational Awareness, Toggle Loud Sound Reduction, Set Adaptive Audio Noise level, Toggle Automatic ear detection, Off listening Mode, Tone Volume, Noise Cancellation with Single AirPod, Toggle Volume Control by swiping. • And, of course, a debug screen, which lists all packets received, and even allows you to send packets! GitHub: upvote the issue on android issue tracker so that the bug gets fixed: :>
Today i worked on my learning chat bot with python and JSON: The base is complete, as before today it could only read from the file, but now it can add things to the file. This took 1 hour, next i will add algorithms.
Continued working on a long-time project of mine: Make a stupid simple ML algorithm out of python (but no libraries except NumPy) to recognize hand-written digits! Right now, error rate is ~ 30%
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Any python ideas?
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Got some good work done on my discord bot to keep streaks for my robotics team. I not only learned how to use SQL but also solidified python skills that increase my efficiency.
Today I made a quick level editor with pygame-ce for my game. My game is in C++ and SDL2, but I store my levels in JSON so it is easier to make the level editor in python (so I can easily code up features like autotiling and autosaving), as it doesn't need to interact with my game in any other way than accessing the same map save file. Plus, the level editor is just a small python file, I don't need another Makefile system to compile it with SDL2 🙂.
Started working on an ascii image loader with colour for a python terminal game engine
Been working on a simple game in python
Started using OpenCV with Python to recognize images within other images (template matching)!
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Random 4 hour hack on one of my 20 receipt printers that I got for $5 Voice to receipt printer! Using a bunch of jank power supplies (I don't have the official power supply) and usb->serial adapters (I don't have the official USB version) and Python speech to text
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this is literally insane to me but in the span of one week i: •
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flew to los angeles for ascend and actually made a (semi functional) hackathon project • 🎓 graduated high school ?!??!? what •
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presented a project of mine (the very first project i scrapbooked) at pycon australia's student showcase, over in melbourne (the student showcase might be an australian-only thing
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) along the way, i hung out with some great friends, spoke to a lot of awesome new people, got some nice swag, spent a lot of time travelling in planes and through different cities. seriously, if you'd told thirteen year old me that i'd be doing all this i absolutely would not have believed you at all tl;dr the real projects were the friends we made along the way or something like that
texture mapping and 3d model loading in python game engine (+ glsl)
here is a python game engine + glsl language XD
Worked on a simple connect 4 game in python today
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Final arcade update for my python virtual assistant library: • Added some basic RAG • Updated the readme to include basic example usage GitHub
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Have been working with my friend on the ULTIMATE discord bot. Introducing Animegen, an AI powered discord bot that has capabilities for moderation, ai chat with long term memory and image support, music support in vcs, ai image generation, and more! The bot also supports hot reloading powered by python watchdog and queue, speed up and speed down system for music, smart memory recall and other amazing things. The start of the project has been heavily documented for arcade but as time went on, my interest in the project shifted slightly and my friend has decided to maintain the discord bot. All the ai models are also powered by huggingface spaces meaning it's all completely free to run and use!! The github repo can be found here: I've also attached some snippets of the discord bot's capabilities since a video might be a little too long. We even tried to use opengl to convert ai model images into a vtubing rig but yikes we underestimated that proccess (not yet implemented lol)