Some weeks ago I made a push counter for an esp32 in order to receive it for the bin, then I discovered that the custom fee was €23 and then I decided to buy an Arduino, so now I've had to make the old code for esp32, Arduino compatible, and so far is going great
And I currently designed some Instagram posts along with some memes
i'm currently developing AGAIn my portfolio website, i decided to make it more minimalist. this is the design so far
I've finished coding a Slack app that converts the time to a specific timezone, the next step is to host it in Hack club Nest
I forgot to scrap for another session, the door lock for my dumb home, it uses a keypad and a servo, everything along with ultrasonic sensor and an OLED display
I've just finished creating a clock for my DumbHome, it has taken some hours ( including troubleshooting ), it uses a RTC to get the time and a 4 digits display to show it
New Arduino project: the first DumbHome, which should be a smart home, but it's so simple that's dumb
+ second project that I forgot to update, I've updated the Object detector code but it still doesn't move after it find an object 😕
i restarted coding my push up counter app, the counter works, so now I just have to implement a timer a scoreboard and improve the UI
i restarted designing my website for the 4th time and I think that this will be the final design designing my new business cards holder
Today i started designing a new product that i may publish in the next weeks
I've finally finished the API that exports all the sessions from the Arcade API to Google Sheets. And now it's ready to ship
i'm close to make this code ready for ship, now it can export the goal and say if you completed the hour or not
Hey everyone, I'm creating a “bridge” in Python that exports all my sessions into a Google sheet. I still have to tidy the code and export the remaining data.
I'll share the repo as soon as I've finished, since there are my keys etc
today i coded an harmless malware that jumpscares the user after clicking on
just started developing an app to count push-ups
I've restarted designing my website and this time I decided to use Webflow, I encountered some problems downloading the code, but I finally did, the CSS has 3k lines, but it's OK, as soon as it works I prefer not to touch anything. I leave you the link here
I started creating an organizer for all my tools to make them fit in my drawer without risking hurting myself or making my drawer messy
I leave you the link here
Today it's time for Cad design, i've just finished the model of a stand for my Alexa Eco dot 3rd generation, I'll leave you the link here
#arcade So basically, I moved the text on the first page to the centre of it, then I removed some unnecessary things from the about me page, then tried to add some blurs on the social page to improve the background and don't make it look o empty
I started designing my personal logo that I'll use on my website or even some personal merchandise, these are the first prototypes, personally, I prefer the third, but it needs some new adjustments to make it look more like an R than a K.
I made a lot of progress this morning, I finally found the right inspiration to find the right design for my website, now I just have to create the contact me form and adjust some things
I've had a new idea for the social page, when the user is on the page the social icons will come out from the text “socials” and for the menu page I choose something more minimalistic
i'm still working on the design of my website, I'm trying to find the right layout to give my website that feeling of modern, but for the moment I've added some things that I'll use in the future
My website still has some issue but at least it's better than before, if you have some advice or you find some issues please tell me via Slack
I'm working on the 3d model of a phone stand, I'm currently trying to find a way to add my phone cable to charge it when I leave it there, like the Nintendo Switch dock
I'm working on my personal portfolio, I already have a school portfolio, but I felt the need for a new one that I can share with anyone, so I started using a YouTube tutorial to learn how to code a portfolio and at the same time to understand and learn HTML and CSS, the portfolio contains a home page, with two buttons that link to the contact-me page, with a form to contact me via email, and to the about me page that contains a small presentation, I've still working on the skills and the projects page. Here you are my GitHub with all the code and the actual website,
Started working on a security system that with the help of a movement sensor, it detects if someone is near there and active a buzzer and a LED, everything computed by a Raspberry Pi pico