
Posts tagged with :ship:

Hello everyone! Over the summer, I created a mod for Minecraft Java that lets you toggle auto jump on and off for accessibility, and efficient stair climbing. Check it out here: modrinth.com/mod/toggleautojump
ship time 🗣️ For times when they need blood urgently, they have one person painstakingly go through the sheet, filter out donors who haven’t donated in over three months, check if they meet certain other criteria, find out their distance from the center by putting in their address on google maps or something and individually call them on the phone and ask if they can donate. idk about you but no one deserves to go through that 💀 I asked the manager of the blood bank if I could maybe build something to help solve this as a summer project, and he, being the awesome person he is, agreed and even offered to take me around the blood bank! Here's an outline of the app and how it works. i've also posted a huge writeup + pictures from the tour of the blood bank in #C07JBQW5W3X|! (shameless plug 😋)
i have made an extension for crunchyroll to bring back the comments like they had never disappeared! i did this by copying the old comment UI and with a chrome extension i achieved this. if you like it please leave a review and if you find any bugs open a github issue. github.com/NeonGamerBot-QK/crunchyroll-comments
my :minecraft: minecraft modpack is out! For a while I've been trying to create my perfect version of Minecraft - and I think Super is pretty close to that. it's based on Fabulously Optimized, but adds a ton more mods for immersion + quality of life. it's also client side! get it on :modrinth://modrinth.com/modpack/super>
I shipped a opensource motor controller and datalogging system for Greenpower race cars, designed in order to maximise the speed and reduce the cost of these vechiles designed by young engineers and university teams. The motor controller is based around the RPI pico w and is a simple THT based pcb easy for teenagers to assemble and fix when at races, it's currently being made by jlcpcb thanks to onboard and I should be able to fit it to the car next week. Picture of me and my friends car jaws included which has been 13 years of work in the making. github.com/Gregor-Davies/Zevallos
I'm working on creating a social media app for musicians: here's a first mini-ship to get across the arcade finish line! The current iteration includes a basic login and media picker screens... React Native is still hard asf... This is an expo app connected to supabase github.com/TSVRN9/the-shed
IG (Instagram Visualizer), is a site designed to make looking at instagram’s data about you easier. Instagram has a feature where users can request their data, and they actually return a json file. Even as a developer, going through all those json files can be daunting. IG Visualizer will display the data in a digestable format and allow you to sort through your data, so you can decide what you want to see. No data collection is done on our end. Our repository is public (not just because of hackclub) and was purposely developed to not need a server, meaning our process is local to the client. Github: github.com/Larry-Larriee/IG-visualizer?tab=readme-ov-file Project: ig-visualizer.vercel.app
Codec Wiki is a resource designed to provide practical, higher-level information about the usage and application of various codec (coder/decoder) implementations. Codec Wiki focuses on helping users understand when and how to use codecs effectively, along with their accompanying tools. This makes it particularly useful for those who are more interested in the practical aspects of working with codecs rather than the underlying theoretical concepts. I internationalized their Docusaurus documentation, which now supports the addition of languages from around the world. I have also added a Traditional Chinese page. This project haven't ship, I will continue commit in feature demo:codec-wiki.vercel.app
Codec Wiki is a resource designed to provide practical, higher-level information about the usage and application of various codec (coder/decoder) implementations. Codec Wiki focuses on helping users understand when and how to use codecs effectively, along with their accompanying tools. This makes it particularly useful for those who are more interested in the practical aspects of working with codecs rather than the underlying theoretical concepts. I internationalized their Docusaurus documentation, which now supports the addition of languages from around the world. I have also added a Traditional Chinese page. This project haven't ship, I will continue commit in feature demo:codec-wiki.vercel.app
My friend and I just finished what I would call the first usable version of my app, StudyBits. TLDR; it’s a Studying Tool, and you should download the app by using the link below! I wanted to create this because of my freshman year of high school; AP HuG had taught me the error in my studying habits, so I decided to try and design a solution. Unfortunately, once sophomore year started, I didn’t have time to finish the app, which I was developing in Ionic at the time. Luckily, #C073DTGENJ2| reminded me of this idea, it also convinced me to switch to React Native, which was much better than Ionic for my purposes. Now the app: StudyBits helps you avoid cramming for your exams by allowing you to study on your phone. You can simply subscribe to a course, which will add a set of questions to your question pool. Then, you can answer questions from your question pool by going to the “Answer” tab in the app which will randomly select a question for you to answer. In the future, we plan to implement an algorithm which selectively chooses questions which will maximize your learning in combination with spacial repetition. You might be wondering who creates the questions, well you do! To create questions, you simply create a channel and a course with whatever units you would like. Then, you create questions in the create tab to your heart’s content. WE NEED YOU TO CREATE USEFUL COURSES! Right now, all we have is a filler brainrot course, so we encourage you to make usable courses (or courses on how to mew). In the future, we plan to use artificial intelligence to inflate our question sets. Finally, you can use our app to motivate you by competing for a spot on the leaderboard. By answering questions correctly, you gain points which rank you higher on our leaderboard, we plan to make this algorithm more complex in the future. Try to beat “The Sigma Rizzler” who is at 10,000,003 points 😉. Testflight Link: testflight.apple.com/join/t0SncOyx Demo video attached below! I know right now the UX is a little inconsistent, and has room for improvement. This app is still a work in progress :loading:
Codec Wiki is a resource designed to provide practical, higher-level information about the usage and application of various codec (coder/decoder) implementations. Codec Wiki focuses on helping users understand when and how to use codecs effectively, along with their accompanying tools. This makes it particularly useful for those who are more interested in the practical aspects of working with codecs rather than the underlying theoretical concepts. I internationalized their Docusaurus documentation, which now supports the addition of languages from around the world. I have also added a Traditional Chinese page. This project haven't ship, I will continue commit in feature demo:codec-wiki.vercel.app github.com/iach526526/codec-wiki
3D in HTML is a web app that allows users to explore and interact with 3D experiences powered by the aframe library. Users can publish their own aframe code for anyone to view it on the site. People can also copy the aframe code to use in their own projects. The web app is meant to be community driven, allowing users to share their 3D websites with others. Github: github.com/Larry-Larriee/3DinHTML Project: 3dhtml.vercel.app
i finally finished it! :ultrafastparrot: i made a book from scratch containing all the amazing tales from #C06RQ9TTEG3|! introducing ✨tales from the trail ✨, a hand-made book that i binded with leather and some old-looking paper. i wrote about the AWESOME experiences that we had out there in the woods and all the amazing cool friends i made! btw tail is by far the best group! and the best part i think was the fun little 3d paper gadget things (tent that you can open and there are two sleeping bags inside), tiny lake dioramas (blue hot glue basically), pop-ups (a very wonky looking bear and FIRE!!) and other trinket stuff (like a magnifying glass to inspect people's faces if thats something you like to do)! hope you enjoy! :) fun fact: the book spine has pink himalayan salt hot-glued on for some reason the entire book: docs.google.com/document/d/16lMUuA6GF8RqRvB3axDwEq4kIcqhxX17YrtS4XYHUTI/edit?usp=sharing repo (including video): github.com/themagicfrog/talesfromthetrail btw... another google-doc style recount about EVERYTHING that happened (that i know of) on #C06RQ9TTEG3| is coming soon :eyes_shaking:. it's very extensive, and SEVENTY pages :heavysob: long . i just gotta organize it and shorten it...
Finished my Enigma machine javaScript project! There's a basic framework for the Enigma process, and also a fully working Sprig game (which will hopefully be accepted soon). github.com/ZacoTheDuck/Enigma
Weeble is built!!! He self-balances using a LQR controller and has a movable head, eyes, eyebrows, and arms with lots of personality! He also has an array of distance sensors and a camera embedded in the eye! Github here: github.com/BrandonKirbyson/Weeble
Whitemind v0.3 just dropped! with this ship, most of the frontend work is done. Main added functionalities were an massively improved design by restructuring to tailwind css, enabling markdown writing for the tutorial page and quto dark mode for every page. also, every planned page has been set up so we only need to write some text and add a bunch of images to get it done. unfortunately, the markdown cannott be properly styled by now so we have to see how it goes in detail, but i am confident to find a proper way to do so in the future! the repo link is here github.com/Neurologism/whitemind and we set up a domain for the project too so you can visit the website: whitemind.net
this is the first PCB i've ever made! introducing... ✨ magic frog's lightsaber ✨!! i designed it originally for #C06RQ9TTEG3|... but it took a lot longer than expected lol. it has a mpu6050 gyroscope & accelerometer and ardunio nano. when you move it faster, more of the neopixel LEDs light up and each axis (x, y, z) is assigned to red, blue or green. i first designed the entire board not planning on using the ardunio nano or mpu6050, instead components built into the board but there were a tonnn of problems (one of which was burning the bootloader but then again got to use oscilloscope to see the data lines which was sooo cool) so i decided to change plans. the board has some fun lighthouse-themed silkscreens bc i was first planning on 3d-printing a case and making a lighthouse desk lamp. also big big thanks to @ThomasStubblefield and @ky200617 for helping me out and encouraging me along the way! :) schematic & kicad design -> github.com/themagicfrog/lightsaber finally, here are some fun long-exposure light photos i took and pictures of the board!
blutils So, this is probably my last scrapbook about blutils! Let me recap what I have managed to do in 65 hours of coding time: I have managed to create 10.5 coreutils in rust, which are usable. The coreutils are still lacking a few features and some commands but they are mostly done and functional. Blutils is not quite finished (but can be marked as a ship) and will be an ongoing project for some time, or probably for a long long time. In a few days I will add some Contribution guidelines to make contributions easier for everyone. I would like to thank everyone here for checking out and giving great feedback on my projects, and I would like to wish y’all a great life. Thanks, thanks and thanks again. And so, with those words, this was my last scrapbook post, unless I end up needing another hour or two! Here’s the project: github.com/SpamixOfficial/blutils Consider contributing if you want to help out!
Hello! I made a webcrawler in rust! Theres still quite a few more features I wanna add, but I'm ready to ship a basic version so here it is! github.com/DragonDev07/Rustle
A bit of a basic ship here but i made a quick app to answer a question i had about baby names; thnks to @Aram for telling me about the social security names database :) github.com/kcoderhtml/baby-names
charming slack ship! i seem to have forgotten several sessions related to this from a while ago; not sure whether its bot error or human error lol; the sessions were all realted to sixels which are a horrid pain github.com/kcoderhtml/charming-slack
i made a movement engine for vehicles in godot - GitHub - Itch.io