

0-day streak
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summer-of-making emoji
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#C01504DCLVD| ristonrodrigues723.github.io/war-chess worked on warchess filed on modsdel integration for external models , tried to malklke my own chess piecres complex but they dont then work on the board now added necessary box to generate random quote ,payerturn movement of pieces and images-gues it messed some game rules
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#arcade ristonrodrigues723.github.io/war-chess 3d chess using 3js this is a major milestone where cess has beeen created using basic pieces just the part of impoerting pieces is left where im currentky stuck as it meses 8up my current code. plan includes changing each piece to represent a morden day equivalent pieces
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dino-debugging emoji
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summer-of-making emoji
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summer-of-making emoji
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summer-of-making emoji
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#arcade visualised 4 backtracking algos more to come , the code still needs further work in next sessions, thinking about if i should keep the theme for knights algo or change it to common ristonrodrigues723.github.io/backtrackibg ,4 algos work for now rest will be added later
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#arcade finished sorting project, added insertion merge and heap sort visua;isations, plan to integrate quick and bubble sort which i have already made later on, will create 2 remaining radix and counting tommorow-ristonrodrigues723.github.io/remaining-sort-algos,
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summer-of-making emoji
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#arcade matrix visualisation done, can visualise a custom matrix, gnerate a random one, find transpose, highlight diagonals, also added another page where u can calculate determinant ,rank , such. ristonrodrigues723.github.io/matrix
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summer-of-making emoji
summer-of-making emoji
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summer-of-making emoji
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summer-of-making emoji
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summer-of-making emoji
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summer-of-making emoji
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summer-of-making emoji
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#arcade ristonrodrigues723.github.io/algovis-stack compeleted stack visualisation usinf html css and js, will be integrated into a site with other basic algo visualisations like queue and array among others later on thr main site-
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#arcade my last blot art piece wont touch blot art programming after this github.com/ristonrodrigues723/darknight didnt turn as the reference image asit would be extremely difficult to get the clouds as in referance img
#arcade just compeleted this -github.com/ristonrodrigues723/art-netherlands after more than a week or so of scratching my head , creating 3 indiviual pieces and merging them, everything expect backgroung is non stationary which i plan on improving sometime later,-
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summer-of-making emoji
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#arcade -i made a flappy bird clone while learning game dev in java , the github repo contains all the required files to complie it into a .jar file to run on windows , im trying to convert it into an apt to get it to work on android which should take some more time, the game can be played on a computer for now using the jar file can be run using vs code or the .exe file , github repo link-<https://github.com/ristonrodrigues723/FlappyBird/tree/master> no of hrs it took me-3.5.
day 9/10 project smart home system module 3 - garden module- finished setting up the module. man a lot of wires got my head a bit messed up in frustration had to rewire it 2-3 times as the guide i followed didn't give a clear diagram now the plan is to upload the code to esp32s and setup blink app for monitoring
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day 8/10- smart home system modules-2/3 finished writing code for garden module , gotta make few more changes to it, the esp 32 webcam is still giving errors trying hard tom find a fix
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day 7/10 project smart home system - module 2 part b- got the module to work perfectly yay!! fixed the bootloader options on esp 32 which causing isssue of uploading code on the esp 32 board
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day 6/10 project -smart home system module 2 part b- door sensor using mc38- wrote the code and tested and it's compiled the first time- yay!!! this is the first time in the last few days that a code compiled without errors
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DAY 5/10 project- smart home system finished the esp 32 security cam setup and code writing as a part of my module 2- part a, working with mc38 and esp 32 board to develope a door sensor module as my part b
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day 4/10 project-smart home system- my esp 32 board could get properly connected to Arduino ide, tried a ton of settings till I figured out with the help of esp332.io and trial and error that my laptop was missing the required ports so had to install them manually through silicon labs and boom my module works , still need to make minor tweaks so i could connect it with blynk app and other sensors so i could upgrade it to provide further info
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day 3/10 project-smart home system:- finished writing code for the first module, currently making minor tweaks to it to run it through the Blynk app , wrote the code for 2nd module and currently assembling the required hardware for it.
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finished coding and compiling in micropython for my module, yesterday got stuck in setting up my Arduino ide with proper configurations so found a really helpful tutorial and somehow managed to install proper libraries and settings for required boards today
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set up my first module as a part of my smart home system