
Posts tagged with :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Bin project I think it day 10 or 11, anyways made the stepper motor controlled by the potentiometer with visual cue from bar graph
I've just created a website that displays graphs and offers a range of advanced features. Since I wasn't very familiar with this area, I took on this project as a learning opportunity. For the mathematical aspects, I received help from one of my father's friends, who is a math teacher. Here is the link to the repository: github.com/Arcade-scrapbook/Graph
This is a simple web app that allows you to visualize two graph search algorithms: Dijkstra's Algorithm and A* Algorithm. It uses graphviz to render the graph, and the algorithms are implemented in JavaScript. The graph is represented as an adjacency matrix.github.com/JubilantMarmot/HC-AlgoV
GraphingCalculator A graphing calculator made on html Uses javascript and chart.js to plot a mathematical equation. Source code can be found on my github repository: github.com/YeetTheAnson/GraphingCalculator Try out the graphing calculator here: yeettheanson.github.io/GraphingCalculator/index.html Usage 1. Type in any mathematical equation 2. Set your X domain below the keypad 3. Press the graph button to start plotting 4. Use the arrow button to move the caret (text cursor) How it works 1. First a lower and upper domain is determined, and the range between the domain is calculated (upper - lower domain) 2. 5000 data point is obtained by using a for loop and the equation: LowerDomain + (Range*n)/5000 3. Y value is calculated by subbing into the equation 4. 5000 pairs of coordinates are obtained and plotted Attached below are some pictures and video of the graphing calculator in action:
A very basic early alpha of a calculator written in Java. So far all it can do is take a simple math expression input and display the answer in a gui. I also made a LaTeX input box for future algebra calculations. Planned features include algebra and graphing with line summaries (all intercepts and points of interest in a readable format rather than having to search through the graph). It even has error handling! Find it at github.com/Coosanta17/Java-Calculator (I can't get the build to work, bear with me 😂)
🎉 Synchrotron is Somewhat Usable™️! 🎉 ❓ *What is Synchrotron? Synchrotron is a graph-based audio processing engine, inspired by tools such as Supercollider, Pure Data and the Blender node editor. What's more, it's written entirely in Python! :python: ❓ How do I use it? Install with `pip install git+<https://github.com/ThatOtherAndrew/Synchrotron.git>`, then use the `synchrotron-server` command to start the server. You can connect to the server either through the `synchrotron-console` TUI, or using the web UI at <https://github.com/ThatOtherAndrew/SynchrotronUI> ✨ ❓ What features does it have currently? • Standalone server for full versatility in various use cases • Custom DSL (domain-specific language) built from the ground up, called Synchrolang • Web server with documented REST API • Elegant and expressive Python API • (Almost) fully functioning web user interface • A variety of simple nodes to get started with • Support for live playback, accelerated rendering to WAV files, and MIDI input and processing ❓ How can I learn more? • Documentation is currently very limited, but I'd be more than happy to chat to anybody reading this about my project as I'm pretty passionate about it and proud of what I've managed so far! Fun fact, I have presented a live demo of Synchrotron to @clairebookworm and musician Charmaine Lee and they both have endorsed this project :O
A custom chart for the VR rhythm game, Beat Saber! I used Chromapper to make this and utilized an external library (Chroma/Heck) to create a full lightshow with nearly 15 thousand lighting events! An average of 94 events per second! Song is fully mapped and available to play, all information is in the readme on the GitHub repo!
Over the past couple of days, I have been working on making some cool graphs with an API key Sound Transit . This uses shadcn/ui charts (which I've been wanting to try for a while) and it ended up really good!
The Personal Finance Tracker is a Python application that helps users manage their personal finances by tracking income and expenses. It provides functionalities to add, view, and filter transactions, as well as generate visual reports to analyze spending patterns. Features • Add Transactions: Record details of income and expenses with date, amount, category, and optional description. • View Transactions: Display all transactions or filter by date range or category. • Category Summary: View total spending by category. • Total Balance: Calculate the total balance from all transactions. • Visualization: ◦ Pie Chart: Visualize spending by category. ◦ Bar Chart: Show monthly spending trends. • Export and Save: ◦ CSV Export: Save transactions to a CSV file. ◦ Image Export: Save charts as PNG images. github.com/Hemendra2007/Personal-Finance-Tracker/tree/main
#arcade i created graph plotter in python where you give the graph plotter data and using "pygal" it will create the graph for you
done working on my project which allows you to view all of your sessions in a graph diagram, i think somebody else also made this but oh well. this utilzesgithub.com/YashasSingh/arcade-api, idk why but i cant link a video rn
Hyy , I can complete Part 2 of ShopSee which include backend .. in this part following component can make =&gt; User Route =&gt; Product Route =&gt;Order Route =&gt; Admin route =&gt; Google Auth =&gt; Stripe Payment( still working) =&gt; chart implement(Pie, Bar ,Line) and other component ahh it will take 10 days ... Now on the final part still working and take few more days to complete.. Final git commit:- github.com/universeBuddy/ShopSee/commit/75908237948bf3698adea5bc664b62b69833aba4
Hi, I made a ton of work upgrading the World Explorer Blazor app to modern Modular Monolith design. I split the Blazor front end and api service and also created 3 new modules: Users, Places and Travellers. I also added Graph QL. The last but not least is adding .NET Aspire dashboard. This is what I achieved so far: github.com/VladislavAntonyuk/WorldExplorer/tree/v9
A fully custom chart for the VR rhythm game, Beat Saber! I used external libraries (namely Chroma) to make a lightshow using custom JSON data! Made using the open source tool Chromapper. Play the chart here! GitHub Repository with all files.
So i was trying to create a module for the led bar graph so it was less expensive on pins. This version i've made will allow you to turn on singular pins, i was trying also the make them stay on until a specified value but it was way too expensive in materials witch isn't the best. So i guess the solution, if you want to get the most out the ledbar, is just buy an arduino with more pins. Otherwise this could work. I'll keep working on this i belive but have to think a smarter way to do this. github repo: github.com/luca611/ledbargraph-controller-board
Made a random arduino project using only the components suggested by the bin! What i had: 1 dht11, 1 led bar graph 1 rgb led -&gt; what came out: humidity and temperature controller (humidity levele from 1 to 10 on the led bar graph and the temperature on the rgb led even tough i could only use the red from the rbg cuz i was left with no available pins) Commit: github.com/luca611/random-arduino-things/commit/6da52717afa122415bc3a11ad1b9d251d5097efa
Collatz conjecture recorder and grapher available now! Graph the collatz conjecture for any number with the python file in this git repo: github.com/Henry-Moffatt/collatz
working on a website that shows the interaction between supply and demand on an interactive graph using the konva.js library! im overhauling what i had before that was a poorly coded website made on a deadline and completely rewriting everything to make stuff a lot more smoother and more efficient !
i’ve been working on classifying EEG data (recorded from the scalp for brain signals) and i finally saw a graph of what i was analyzing today! i’ve had to go thru a couple steps to get to this point like denoising, filtering, and feature extraction so i’m very happy to get to this point (graphed is a plot with x being the standard deviation of all the filtered data from 0.1-4 Hz and y being the standard deviation of all the data from 4-8Hz. it may not look like too much but when i compare it with more data i will be able to diagnose neurological diseases with hopefully good accuracy) github.com/byung806/EEG-Classification/commit/11b6adab34988fd2f211345272479825af74d3df
Web Expense Dashboard I made this dashboard to track expenses, you can break them down into categories (like the site or just a name) and you can also view them in a chart by day github.com/EXELVI/expense_dashboard
I have made a Product page app where we can select the size from the size-chart .We can also select the colour of the product from the colour chart .In this app we have an option to see the image of the product in three views by a click of a button .The three buttons show the back, front and side view of the product. git deploy link akshatsinghania.github.io/product-page git repository link github.com/akshatsinghania/product-page.git video link hackclub.slack.com/archives/C06SBHMQU8G/p1720362890282759?thread_ts=1720362445.958579&cid=C06SBHMQU8G
github.com/elberto22/cloneherocharts made my first clone hero chart of My kind of woman by Mac Demarco, since this project is in a bit of a grey area. if it gets accepted ill do the rest of the album.
I created a quick vector calculator using plain HTML and CSS. It can add, subtract, find out dot and cross products! I will definitely be working on it further, and may calculate all the results as the input values are updated... I am also planning on adding a graph for visualization. Check it out at my website! And you can find the source code on Github.
have made a Product page app where we can select the size from the size-chart .We can also select the colour of the product from the colour chart .In this app we have an option to see the image of the product in three views by a click of a button .The three buttons show the back, front and side view of the product. git deploy link akshatsinghania.github.io/product-page git repository link github.com/akshatsinghania/product-page.git video link hackclub.slack.com/archives/C06SBHMQU8G/p1720362890282759?thread_ts=1720362445.958579&cid=C06SBHMQU8G
Restarted work on my swift playgrounds recreation of my app that is on the App Store. I made it so that the charts were in their own files, and also made it so that the graphs will show the donut chart when there is only one assessment done. Once I think I am satisfied about the amount of updates I’ve made, i will put my code back into the Xcode project and someone will help me publish it as an update to App Store Connect. The original app can be found at app.swiftinsg.org/Academ and the repo with the playground is at github.com/JHIT-Tripping/Academ-V2-as-playground
I have made a Product page app where we can select the size from the size-chart .We can also select the colour of the product from the colour chart .In this app we have an option to see the image of the product in three views by a click of a button .The three buttons show the back, front and side view of the product. git deploy link akshatsinghania.github.io/product-page git repository link github.com/akshatsinghania/product-page.git video link hackclub.slack.com/archives/C06SBHMQU8G/p1720362890282759?thread_ts=1720362445.958579&cid=C06SBHMQU8G
Here's another for y'all: wokwi.com/projects/404030077368880129 GitHub: github.com/LandonBayer/FilamentScaleESP This is a ESP32 based 3D printer filament scale to determine (roughly) how much filament is left on the spool. It automatically calculates the weight left in grams, percentage of the spool used, and displays on the LED bar graph a visual of how much remains. The 4 digit display is a simple scale for any other objects being measured.