

0-day streak
My last update for #C07NUNPGEU8| – I just added a lighthouse & tree to my partially completed piece from a couple days ago! with that, now all 3 pieces are finished. I've got a lora trained that can give me more concept art then I could ever want & i'm feeling more confident about learning new styles myself.
Update 3: I've trained a LORA over the weekend to help me come up with more reference art and help inspire me as I work on scenes. Here you can see a picture I drew in figma yesterday and today (still missing a subject, but I've got the far clouds and the close shore created) and an XY plot of some different art generation settings I was playing with, and the comfyui node configuration I used to generate the reference pics!
Update 2: I made more progress on my goal to learn how to make really cool figma art for #C07NUNPGEU8| ! I played with a lot today, from new ways of making gradients in figma (the light fluffy clouds), to forming more complex shapes than I've done on my own before (the whole island was by hand). This piece is still steven universe inspired, but kinda themed more piratey w/ a skull on the island
Update: 1.1: ooop! I forgot to attach it to the previous scrapbook post, but here's another piece I made in figma for #C07NUNPGEU8|! This was also done yesterday and took about 30 min based on the attached steven universe logo image. it's about 13 layers and I was exploring how to do the fuzzy, film grain look that this shot has
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Update 1: I'm learning to make steven universe style art in figma for #C07NUNPGEU8|! Yesterday's art was made in about 90 minutes & helped me figure out how to start making the glows and shines (for lack of a better name– the 45 degree things) that the show uses.
testing scrapbook submission flow!
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anything is possible
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been drawing a lot recently for power hour: arcade and telling myself i’m being productive
no april fools plans for me today, but getting back into drawing! Here are some designs I’ve made for @ky200617’s #bin project & a raccoon character I’ve been working on
🤡 I’m a clown and didn’t check the audio track of my video yesterday, so today I learned about stereo and mono tracks. Reuploaded the video here:!
since my last video about making PCBs, I’ve had a bunch of feedback about people who had trouble submitting PRs. now there’s new video about submitting a PR in (almost) under a minute!, and it was made in under a day in #onboard-bts— check out the channel for the whole WIP thread
I designed the anti-flux chip for your macbook. Flux dims the screen to help you stop using your laptop when you should be going to bed. My board rumbles when it detects light, discouraging laptop use during the day.
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for #10-days-in-public I’m making some tutorials around making a PCB. Before I’ve made a video about a specific part of the process but now I’m going to make a video about the process end-to-end, from idea to finally ordering a usb-a to usb-c converter
#10-days-in-public I’m making a cookbook of PCBs based on what I’ve personally been learning. The first step was writing up the workshop I ran at The Summit so other club leaders can run it in their own club.
hey all, just a heads up that we’re having some short downtime on #scrapbook and the #hq-engineering is working on restoring it! ETA 10 min. EDIT: attaching an image so scrappy doesn’t delete my post
stayed up a little late tonight working on some fun art in figma! been a while since I got to doodle with design and this was fun to go through old HC designs
I made some USB hubs! I’ve been working on the design since @hugo.y.hu935 gave an #onboard workshop at Outernet. I made the schematic and PCB layout about a week ago, and the actual fabricated boards arrived yesterday– so quick! Next step is to test them out, but they look like they’re all connected correctly. After I confirm they work I’ll put a making-of post in #onboard for other people who want to do stuff with USBs
Using Davinci Resolve to edit a video today (thanks for the recommendation @caleb)! The video is a quick explainer on how to make a schematic (like circuitboard pseudocode) in EasyEDA’s editor. I’ve talked to a couple people now who have been tripped up on which buttons to use in EasyEDA and I’m still kinda getting my legs under me with it, so I figure the best way to learn is by sharing my own knowledge! In part 1 of the video I’ll go over making a schematic, then in part 2 that schematic will become a real live USB to USB micro converter.
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At #outernet I went to @hugo.y.hu935’s workshop on making a usb hub with PCB design, but unfortunately didn’t finish it. Now that I’m back home I’ve had the time to get started designing the board myself and think I have a working design. Check out more about it in #onboard. I still want to add art to it, so I’ll do that and then order the boards!
Right now I’m working on creating a pair of LED glasses from scratch for #onboard with a completely custom designed-PCB. Once I finish the design and get a working prototype in the mail, I’ll make a tutorial. The way it will work is that each eye has a grid of LED lights on it, and you will be able to program it to flash pretty patterns while they’re on your face. The glasses themselves are purely PCB boards, no extra components (so there is a front piece in the shape of sunglasses that go in front of your eyes, then 2 PCB pieces that go behind your ears and hold that front piece to your face. Over the weekend I had a call with @ky200617 to help me figure out how to lay out the components because I had trouble fitting them all, so now I’m spacing all the parts out to make it easier to route them. I’ve removed all the wires from the design, and will be starting the wiring from scratch. Also, you’ll see the neopixels gone from the board- now I’m going to wire up the rest of the board first before laying out the LEDs.
I’m working on my LED glasses today & now I’m placing the components. Had some issues with the size of the battery holders, so I found some smaller ones to hold 4 AAA batteries.
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Today I’m working on making the circuit board for a set of LED glasses! Will be posting more updates in #onboard as I go. The gif is an example of what I want to make from Adafruit, but the schematics and outline for the glasses are my own work
i had a dream last night
i had a dream last night
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i had a dream last night
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i had a dream last night
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i had a dream last night
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i had a dream last night
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i had a dream last night
i had a dream last night
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Here’s a robot that @ella built drawing art I had chatgpt make for me!
i had a really strange dream last night
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what is she dancing to?
riffing from a recent trip to california. kinda got in a trance and kept playing the same thing
day 10 of 10 and I spent hours putting down painter’s tape so i could write letters and numbers over the flaps. even though i don’t have all the letters, the module can calibrate itself using the hall-effect sensor. i’ll post in #ship with a running version tomorrow!
i’m still working on my full update, but i have to show this off! got all the flaps on the split-flap display & wired up the sensor. this is the first run with all the electronics fully assembled
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day 8 of 10 in my #hardware-party project: on today’s episode of my split-flap display project, we have an *ASMR* segment! try watching the video for tactile goodness. i now have enough flaps to make a full rotation. it seems to be stuttering, but i think that’s because the emergency stop button (in previous scraps) is faulty. but the flaps?! they’re blank?! i was originally looking into vinyl cutting letter and numbers for them, but @ella helped me by trying out some cool white paint markers which are super visible.
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Day 7 of 10 for my #hardware-party project! I’m making a split-flap display I updated my message-passing code for today trying to pass down a number through a chain. ie. if I type “25|” into arduino serial, i want the first arduino to blink 2 times, and the second arduino to blink 5 times. I’m not able to get it working & I have an issue where the message gets passed down the line as “9". I think i’m doing something wrong with my int parsing, but not sure. If anyone has done serialization like this before I’d love help! Here’s my code.
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On day 6 of 10 for my #hardware-party, love is in the air 💗! It’s been 5 days since valentines day, and two new love-birds are chirping it up with each other, sending love letters (which just say “hello world”) to each other in an infinite loop. I finally figured out how to get picos to communicate over UART pins! My previous approach was using SoftwareSerial, and didn’t seem to work, but now I’m using the hardware serial pins instead of software serial pins over GPIO. Next step– get these communicating Picos to start passing on number values down a longer chain. Here’s the code!
Day 5 of 10 for my split flap display! I had more troubles today trying to get my picos to talk to each other— I can pass a message to the first pics via usb serial, but the second pick isn’t getting the message. Somehow I broke one of them & it won’t even run the example blink program :( If anyone has used the SoftwareSerial library for arduino I’d love help figuring out what I did wrong! All my code is in
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day 4 of 10 of the #hardware-party where i’m building a split-flap display. I’m flying today, and TSA wouldn’t let me take the 3d printer onboard. instead i’m writing the code right now! I don’t have a device in my hands and all the sensors and motors, so instead i’m writing a bunch of modules to test out with jobs like… • passing a message down a chain of microcontrollers • moving a stepper motor • reading sensor values Then, once I have the hardware back in my hands I can quickly test out each script to make sure it works & combine them into a single script that runs the whole thing! I’m dumping all the scripts into
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i still have to post my progress update for today, but while i write that here’s a failed first attempt. co-starring Wasabi, @KaraMassie-U032A2PMSE9’s dog
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Day 1/10 of #hardware-party! Starting today, I’m going to spend a little time every day for the next 10 days building a split-flap display inspired by the parts list from @linkai here. It’ll be internet connected, so I can wire it up to show the current balance on :bank-hackclub-dark:. Today I wired up the hall-effect sensors that’ll control the split flaps, and wrote some test code to make sure they’re working the way I want them to. You can see the sensor working by how it flashes from the magnet. Once I have them working correctly I’ll start working on a motor housing in Fusion 360 that will hold the thing in place and connect it to the flaps. Excited to see the progress everyone else makes today! I’m going to spin up a repo tomorrow and show off my work there.
Screwed the LCD case together for my pen-plotter (CNC) today at the local makerspace. The case kinda covers the restart button, so I also redid the wiring and added an on/off button
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worked on automating a :bank-hackclub-dark: mailing list with @ella! we’ve had a mailing list before, but no way to control who we’re sending it to. now, if @OliviaCook announces a perk that’s just for high school hackathons, we can send it out to just organizers of high school hackathons. it all runs through, so I also learned about how their API works (it’s weird– check out the docs if you dare:
Day 9 of #10-days-in-public — started making more art with the CNC holding a pen for practice. It was making a weird grinding sound that was fixed by re-wiring the motors. If you post an SVG in #speedy-diffusion there’s a chance I run it!
day 8 of #10-days-in-public – took a break from the CNC project & worked with @belle to upgrade the extruder on the office 3d printer. the new printer parts were printed on the previous extruder. now that we have the new component in, the printed can run about 3x faster & up to 2x more detail
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extra video for day 7 – blooper of the first complex art my CNC tried to make. don’t want to clutter scrapbook so added more videos in #speedy-diffusion
day 7 of #10-days-in-public – i had 2 build sessions with @caleb & @ella respectively. got the stepper motors wired up, belts tensioned (while talking over philosophy of tilapia w/ @ced), and generated some gcode for a crown test image
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late day 6 update for #10-days-in-public. the assembly for the CNC is still in progress, but I made progress on the electronics. I’ve wired together the main board and now it can talk to the computer (running CNC.js) and the screen. it’s not plugged into the motors yet, but i’ll test that next!
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day 5 of #10-days-in-public. i’m still in canada so i can’t make physical progress on my CNC assembly, so this was a good day to start playing with the software i’ll need to use to control it. if i use a slicer to generate gcode, the control software is what replays the gcode to the CNC. downloaded a few programs (ie. repetier-host) & ended up installing CNC.js for the time being. I’ve got it all setup to plug into the main board once i’m in VT tomorrow and start playing with motor control!
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Day 4 of #10-days-in-public. I’m working on building the MPCNC & I have the z-axis rails drilled out (with the help of my roommate). I went up to Canada today with @caleb and @matthew, so I haven’t had time to add the rods to the core assembly, but I hope to do it once I’m back on Monday.
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Day 3 of #10-days-in-public! I’m building a DIY CNC machine called the MPCNC. I read through the instruction manual about how to wire up the control board & i’m totally lost. i’m afraid of plugging it in while wired incorrectly b/c something might short out and break. my next step is to find a youtube tutorial of someone who’s built this, and try following along with that to understand how the stepper drivers are wired up without sensors
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Day 2 of #10-days-in-public working on the home-made CNC! Assembly has started with help from @ella and @caleb & the frantic night energy is setting in.
I’m learning how to use a CNC machine by building one! For day 1 of #10-days-in-public, my goal is to finish acquiring the pieces. The metal and electronics all arrived, and the last 3d printed pieces are printing right now. I’ve never done something like this before & want to have everything laid out to start assembling tomorrow. Also watched some videos on how others assembled their CNCs
playing around with stable diffusion more!
there’s something wrong with these cookies. i think i just got my first ai-generated captcha? perfect timing b/c i just started to get into ai image generation
saw a really crazy video rendered with disco diffusion, so now i’m playing around with it on my own machine. the grey dot is an input image which generated the art. going to try making a short movie with it to learn!
Getting to work on deburring the print from last night
Just finished 3d printing the largest single piece in my CNC project! It's hefty & took about 41 hours. Next I'll need to sand it down and get the fuzz off
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i thought i had finished TUNIC last time I played! of course there’s more 🦊 🛡️
i’ve finished Tunic! one of the most beautifully designed and complex games i’ve ever played. inspiration for multiple parts of assemble
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Haven't made physic stuff for a while so I'm at the maker space laser cutting today!
Found an airpod plus
went out exploring sf w/ @KaraMassie-U032A2PMSE9 today. found a cool japanese bookstore that sold little dioramas to put between books on a shelf. i really want to try making my own, so i’ve sketched out a couple designs ranging from a train station to an elven garden. the design i’m exploring rn comes from tunic, a game i really enjoyed
here’s the 2 hour timelapse that i forgot to attach to the last scrap
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printed a vase-mode pencil holder & reached 10 “makes” on!
anime style scene of a chair that looks like an avocado surrounded by flowers, sunset with lavender and orange sky, birds flying... played around with dall-e running locally some more today. Just played with making images from text inputs so far, but just found a batching feature that will let me generate from a whole list of text inputs. going to play with editing the image inputs to the model when i next have free time
setup visions of chaos so i can doodle with dall-e mini & other text-to-image models
2 overnight timelapses, one before i installed the lightbar, one after
I've been so tired of staying in my room all week I stayed up late putting together a new component for my printer: a light bar! Now it can take timelapses of its prints even overnight. Just queued up and overnight print and will post a comparison in the morning once its done
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today i (hopefully) fixed scrapbook
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today i (hopefully) fixed scrapbook
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Vermont melted cheese sandwich
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today i added some missing logic in bank to show pending transactions for disbursements (our inter-account transfer feature). previously we’d just have to tell people money was on the way if we sent a disbursement, but now it actually shows up on the transaction list the second the funds are in transit
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today i added some missing logic in bank to show pending transactions for disbursements (our inter-account transfer feature). previously we’d just have to tell people money was on the way if we sent a disbursement, but now it actually shows up on the transaction list the second the funds are in transit
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haven’t drawn in a while so i decided to sketch the golden gate!
i was feeling done with ads on youtube, so i set up a pi hole ( for my home network on a spare raspberry pi. Up and running for 15 min, and already 45 domains blocked!
Got my 3d printer re-calibrated and printing again!
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today was hot. put in A/Cs at home & office + drew some sketches
I wasn't suspicious until they said it
Just uploaded my first receipt to bank from an email-upload feature I started on Monday
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Went to the makers page again today. Met a groundhog that lives there
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Got my laser cutting certification at the local maker space
saw some cool natural park service style artwork & decided to make some of my own
started working on a git repo visualizer project. still just getting the basics built out, but want to work on it over the weekend
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Walked up Mt Philo
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Just passed 10k self-driven miles on my comma 2! My car has something like 15k miles in total, so that's a lot
Learned to knit!
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built a local file server at today's Hack Lunch (organized by @jessicard)! it's for all the times i want to share files with someone on HQ & either slack or the internet is down
Makin stamps!
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working on a new clippy flow (the bot that greets people when they join the slack). still very much a work in progress, and only running off my laptop at time of writing. one part of the flow that is close to done is you can call TORIEL (the new name for the greeter bot) after finishing the tutorial for extra tidbits of info with /toriel-call
triaging and merging bank features today!
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game lab is dope. still figuring out how to get gravity working
WIP during my flight today
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Had help building a standing desk from a bunch of scrap wood. Now setting up a home office
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Ok, I'm getting kinda stupidly proud of this now. has grown on me the longer I watch it
preprint for bank stickers
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WIP for a bank office sign
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yeah!!! my first time going, so excited to see the talks!
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orpheus after all that went down today in #orpheus-internals
Working on fixing a bug @BetsyZhang found in the slash-z server code
@kayley asked me to make an orpheus rick roll animation, so last night i made it: just so there's no surprise, the video is a rick roll. it's not trimmed much though, so you'll have to wait through some of the setup.
Found this amazing social security pamphlet from back when government designed stuff was awesome— now working on a couple doodles before my pen runs out of ink
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having second thoughts about these designs, anyone have a preference on which text to use? (currently working on them in #productivity if anyone wants to join the screenshare)
Second to last batch of :summer-of-making: envelopes going out
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now if you start a meeting with /z you'll get a host key you can use to make yourself the host of the call (without having your name set to "Hack Club" like the golden key does)
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got a new project in the words (progress thread in #the-fast-lane)
Nearly finished with a drawing based on community team (1 of 3 flavors)
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801 envelopes
Stamp dispenser printed for all the :summer-of-making: envelopes I’m stamping
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orpheus learns to ANIMATE
60 rolls— 6,000 stamps
as practice before bed I drew the bike from Akira. Also posted the steps in #the-fast-lane
also, makin' memes (which better?)
with all the SOM envelopes we're shipping out, I was in the mood to doodle some postal service inspired poster/sticker designs
shipment-dino emoji
playing with QR codes to try making artwork. this one is for the office– everyone keeps asking for the wifi info. I want to made it look nice & get it framed
Want to see what 6,000 stamps looks like?
darkmode logo for bank coming soon. what's a better set of darkmode logos? 1️⃣ dark or 2️⃣ neon
started playing with procreate on ipad today. love the replay feature
Had to get a temporary bigger yeet box
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yeet emoji
100 envelopes bundled and sent with @matthew today
Part-time person for sending SoM stickers didn’t show up, so I’m sending a batch today
ran a workshop for :teamliquid:'s hackathon with the help of @clairebookworm @jsneak @matthew. @jsneak and I built a multiplayer among us game in 5 hours right before the presentation ontop of @matthew's v2 of the personal website workshop & @clairebookworm team-carried the vibes through the whole thing. started with 100 attendees & ended with 160
trying to geocode a map of SOM sticker recipients. this is killing my computer and we're only 2/7 of the way done
My notebook pages from Sept 16th writing up how the new bank receipt feature upload would work
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it's ALIVE!!! (amazing work credit to @ky200617) This is just a pre-print, but an order of ~500 will be in production soon.
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can't believe i didn't do this sooner
Had a :figma: doodle session while watching "Hilda" on :netflix:. The backgrounds are originally from the show, I just modified them. Here's the sandbox
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doodled with a dino sticker today
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Yesterday I doodled with some new sticker designs
Early designs for Flagship stickers/posters I made last year. Ultimately didn’t go with them, but they informed the final design (and the art for
WIP concept art for a new project (the #cdn channel in slack)
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working on an animation for the latest site @lachlanjc is building
got a tech demo running on bank. the black cards are from stripe, and you can issue them for yourself instantly (no more review/approval step). just live on my dev server, rn
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relaxing day with high level discussions around clubs. planning out the move to stripe issuing. draw some space stuff 🚀 with sharpie pens that @christina695 picked up at the art store (thank you!).
we're going to be switching card providers for hack club bank soon, so i've been going through the slog of moving our models around to support the old Emburse card data & the new (Stripe/Privacy) card data
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worked with @amogh (& @orpheus2) to plan out a new version of art in the dark for next week
Going through a round of review before printing another batch of stickers. This is the making-of & first test print of the Global Covid Hackathon sticker (printing final version soon)
i drew weird birds
check them OUT!!!
A couple things I've made with :figma:
@scrappy now has a startup message that gets posted in #bot-spam for each new build
Add sound to your scrapbook by uploading a file to the #scrapbook-sounds channel!
Sketch of a new sticker design
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party-dinosaur emoji
Hack Club Bank now shames you if you don't upload your receipts /s
it was a hot day so i drew a hot dog 🌭 :doggo:
playing with typography– these were early drafts of the emoji used for scrapbook streaks
As part of some improvements to @orpheus2 , the heartbeat in #orpheus-internals is 4x faster. Now we can check for inactive breakout rooms (@orpheus2 breakout) every 15 minutes
Playing around with a new feature for the Slack— create your own breakout rooms using Orpheus
@zrl had a growth spurt
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we have a bunch of stats logged in (our link shortener), but it only keeps 45k lines of logs around. I just wrote my first deno script that exports an airtable base to the local file system, so now we can backup our logs past 45k of lines
Playing with some stamp-like sticker designs
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some early designs for the summer of making
here's the history of the hackclub/hackclub repo!
Hack Club's API codebase, including back when it was called "monolith" & included our workshops (the blue flowers w/ pink leaves)
visualization of our work on Hack Club Bank! so you can see where code changes were connected to a new feature
also rendered the codebase for (by @.lachlanjc
I rendered the git history of us creating @.scrappy bot's codebase! (from gource)
60s orpheus
Working on a scrapbook logo
I made my scrapbook all art deco themed now has a status badge in the readme– we can have it b/c we now have testing on new branches!
started playing with some custom css for the summer streak page. thanks for adding the feature @lachlanjc!
wanted to draw something light hearted– thanks @matthew for the dog images
playing with some hand drawn fonts
images instead of video– playing with hand done fonts b/c typing is overrated