
Posts tagged with :fire:

i made this poster for my club last night
Today I worked on my Minecraft Fabric Slack <-> Minecraft chat relay mod! I've added all the core functionality: • Sending messages to Slack from Minecraft • Sending messages to Minecraft from Slack • Sending advancements to Slack • Sending death messages to Slack • Sending server start/stop messages to Slack • Sending player join/leave messages to Slack There's still more to add, but this is good progress and it's been fun to make! If you want to check it out, the repo is here: github.com/DillonB07/SlackBridge, I do have a workflow to build the mod but it doesn't work so I'll fix that tomorrow/
Hello everyone! Over the summer, I created a mod for Minecraft Java that lets you toggle auto jump on and off for accessibility, and efficient stair climbing. Check it out here: modrinth.com/mod/toggleautojump
ship time 🗣️ For times when they need blood urgently, they have one person painstakingly go through the sheet, filter out donors who haven’t donated in over three months, check if they meet certain other criteria, find out their distance from the center by putting in their address on google maps or something and individually call them on the phone and ask if they can donate. idk about you but no one deserves to go through that 💀 I asked the manager of the blood bank if I could maybe build something to help solve this as a summer project, and he, being the awesome person he is, agreed and even offered to take me around the blood bank! Here's an outline of the app and how it works. i've also posted a huge writeup + pictures from the tour of the blood bank in #C07JBQW5W3X|! (shameless plug 😋)
My friend and I just finished what I would call the first usable version of my app, StudyBits. TLDR; it’s a Studying Tool, and you should download the app by using the link below! I wanted to create this because of my freshman year of high school; AP HuG had taught me the error in my studying habits, so I decided to try and design a solution. Unfortunately, once sophomore year started, I didn’t have time to finish the app, which I was developing in Ionic at the time. Luckily, #C073DTGENJ2| reminded me of this idea, it also convinced me to switch to React Native, which was much better than Ionic for my purposes. Now the app: StudyBits helps you avoid cramming for your exams by allowing you to study on your phone. You can simply subscribe to a course, which will add a set of questions to your question pool. Then, you can answer questions from your question pool by going to the “Answer” tab in the app which will randomly select a question for you to answer. In the future, we plan to implement an algorithm which selectively chooses questions which will maximize your learning in combination with spacial repetition. You might be wondering who creates the questions, well you do! To create questions, you simply create a channel and a course with whatever units you would like. Then, you create questions in the create tab to your heart’s content. WE NEED YOU TO CREATE USEFUL COURSES! Right now, all we have is a filler brainrot course, so we encourage you to make usable courses (or courses on how to mew). In the future, we plan to use artificial intelligence to inflate our question sets. Finally, you can use our app to motivate you by competing for a spot on the leaderboard. By answering questions correctly, you gain points which rank you higher on our leaderboard, we plan to make this algorithm more complex in the future. Try to beat “The Sigma Rizzler” who is at 10,000,003 points 😉. Testflight Link: testflight.apple.com/join/t0SncOyx Demo video attached below! I know right now the UX is a little inconsistent, and has room for improvement. This app is still a work in progress :loading:
3D in HTML is a web app that allows users to explore and interact with 3D experiences powered by the aframe library. Users can publish their own aframe code for anyone to view it on the site. People can also copy the aframe code to use in their own projects. The web app is meant to be community driven, allowing users to share their 3D websites with others. Github: github.com/Larry-Larriee/3DinHTML Project: 3dhtml.vercel.app
Weeble is built!!! He self-balances using a LQR controller and has a movable head, eyes, eyebrows, and arms with lots of personality! He also has an array of distance sensors and a camera embedded in the eye! Github here: github.com/BrandonKirbyson/Weeble
this is the first PCB i've ever made! introducing... ✨ magic frog's lightsaber ✨!! i designed it originally for #C06RQ9TTEG3|... but it took a lot longer than expected lol. it has a mpu6050 gyroscope & accelerometer and ardunio nano. when you move it faster, more of the neopixel LEDs light up and each axis (x, y, z) is assigned to red, blue or green. i first designed the entire board not planning on using the ardunio nano or mpu6050, instead components built into the board but there were a tonnn of problems (one of which was burning the bootloader but then again got to use oscilloscope to see the data lines which was sooo cool) so i decided to change plans. the board has some fun lighthouse-themed silkscreens bc i was first planning on 3d-printing a case and making a lighthouse desk lamp. also big big thanks to @ThomasStubblefield and @ky200617 for helping me out and encouraging me along the way! :) schematic & kicad design -> github.com/themagicfrog/lightsaber finally, here are some fun long-exposure light photos i took and pictures of the board!
soo i repaired a laptop i was given! initially you couldn't log in because of some of the admin passwords that made it really hard to get into and it had windows 7 installed so i fixed these issues and now its a perfectly working laptop!
pretty productive meeting session regarding what to do with my F1 in School's team's sponsorship. Have a few new direction and approaches that we could take. Such as advertising on radio and also press releases etc. Will try and go ahead. Pretty hard and hefty project. Also need to create my own company for the first time to have a bank account under company name to deal with sponsorship funds, etc. Not easy :( video link: media.discordapp.net/attachments/1155718888483467265/1265227431766261761/IMG_41[…]793e88352d66d8831320ee7e7438ee5e4ee50891c715b39e42a0397e1&
I finished the arm of a the cam on an FTC robot
My “RTL-SDR Radio” app just got some big improvements in version 0.3! You can now listen to any FM Radio station of your choosing, and save any of your stations to listen back to later. You can now favorite stations and sort them in a list. My favorite feature is being able to load and automatically start playing a station with a click of a button. Also, the GitHub releases should now be useable due to some improvement in the GitHub Actions and build scripts. GitHub: github.com/njfdev/rtlsdr-radio Here is a demo video (without sound):
started work on a cross-platform file sharing app called CrossLink GitHub: github.com/chxlky/crosslink uses tauri, with solidjs as a frontend framework, and rust for the backend currently supports Windows, Linux, and Android
Just reset my old laptop so I can install a virtual machine and do load of cool stuff I don't want to risk on my new laptop!
Hi, I am trying to make the world's smallest satellite. This is my first prototype. This is smaller than the sprites used on kicksat-2 mission. This is intended to be tested on a weather ballon mission first. Future versions intended to be used on lightsail concept missions.
Rewriting my fitness tracker in QML to better support mobile devices and have a cleaner UI: Still working on save/load functionality before I move on to food, recipe, & goal tracking features
I created a simple quiz component with some nice button animations. github.com/elitlabs/website-rewrite Feel free to test it out at test.elitlabs.com (If you find any bugs or have any improvement ideas, please tell me!) (Oh I also added terms and conditions but thats boring)
I picked up a cheap foam glider and thought to myself if it can be made to be remote controlled. So I took apart a toy drone I had laying around and repurposed its electronics for the glider. It flies well on a full battery, the video is when the battery is nearly dead so it doesn't have much power/control authority.
Disassembled my nerf gun so I can mod it
Introducing 'How many hours left?' for Hackclub arcade! Have you been wondering how may more hours you need to do to get what you want for Hackclub's arcade? Well now you can find out! You can see it here!
github.com/jaydenweng01/Bone-Sea finished the first track of Bone Sea by @Illumin was originally going to record the violin part myself, but my mic kinda sucks at picking up my violin, so sorta gave up on that idea lol will pump out more tracks in the future also tried doing some pixelart during the project for spirtes for the game (which went HORRIBLY might i add)
#arcade Wrote a lexer and parser!
carbon fiber + epoxy 4 leaf clover charms
it looks really janky right now but since i made it as small as possible it wont be a big deal if i have to scrap the idea. here are some before and after pictures
Really proud of what I was able to accomplish today! What started as a really crappy Python script for my 7th grade science fair was refactored and enhanced into a full tic-tac-toe engine. Along with an algorithm rewrite, I created an Engine library for creating and creating new Tic-Tac-Toe AI algorithms. github.com/CompuGenius-Programs/Tic-Tac-Toe-AI
i made a rock game with changing states and colors (inspired by a prompt also attached below)
Did some more work on my #cider app! (also in conjunction with #hack-hour!) Never thought I would start liking js and react lol. right now you can press a button to take pictures and it gets saved to your device (after asking the proper permissions ofc.
made a first version of a simulation of a thrust vector controlled rocket! i can control the thrust orientation using arrow keys...but it's a lot like driving a limousine backwards at 100mph. any feedback would be much appreciated!
we completed the first day of the first high school hackathon in Turkey
Day 70 of #100-days-in-public. New day, new video!
Day 68 of #100-days-in-public. Now (back) in video!
I wanted to use my Pine64 but kept running into a thermal runaway error because I didn’t have a powerful enough USB-C power supply; so I created my own using a 750W 12V HP Server PSU and a USB-C Trigger board. It will technically fry any USB-C device that doesn’t work on 12V so just don’t plug anything else into it…
#100-days-in-public day 9 I got some more results from my image compression ai that I was making and I realized that instead of going over every single pixel individually I could build a CNN network that has a 1,1 filter and it would do the same thing basically. That made me realize a deeper connection between CNN's and normal DNN's which has me feeling really trippy since
i bring you: rizzlang, the language of the future, its based on gen z syntax and basic. Here is an example program that attempts to disprove the collatz conjecture
10 yap "lemme cook"
20 find_out A = 1 run_wit_it 12000000
30 R = 1 + 0
40 G = 0 + 0
50 rizz_up N A
60 vibe_check N = R finna cook 150
70 vibe_check N < A finna cook 150
80 E = N % 2
90 vibe_check E = G finna N = N / 2
100 vibe_check E = R finna cook 120
110 cook 60
120 N = N * 3
130 N = N + 1
140 cook 60
150 swipe_left 
160 yap "nvm i was not cooking bro"
170 kms
currently the language is jit compiled