

1-day streak
Late scrapbook post from yesterday! I got HCB OAuth working in a Slack app and have been experimenting with the V3 & V4 APIs to get data from HCB :D Also made a modal for sending grant cards with specific settings per card!
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Arf, arf, wrrf, wrrrf!!!
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Meow, mrrow, mrow Do you get parcels from a random place called hack club and want to see what's on the way and its status? eh, maybe not. But I do, and I don't like going to the shipment viewer because it's outside slack, i need to put in my email, get a link, annoying on mobile, ugghhh. (joking, it's a great site :) ) But what if you didn't have to do that? What if... it was in Slack. Introducing @PostPuppy ! Visit the app home to see all your packages just like you would on the shipment viewer. you can even opt to get notified when the status changes. oh, and if the email you use for slack is the same that you get mail to, it'll auto sign you in! (If you use a different email, you can open settings, enter an email and get a verification link sent to you)
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you can open the app home to try it out here :)
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ty to nora for letting me auto sign ppl in! want the code? check out
Here's a behind the scenes peak for #C087QT3QUV7|! Progress is going pretty good and it's really satisfying to watch :D
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I'm working on #C087QT3QUV7|! It's going to be a Slack ARG where you solve puzzles throughout Slack to join channels and progress through the game. Sounds simple right? The catch is that it's entirely written in Slack workflows with only 1st party functions, no integrations. I've been hammering out the functionality today and have built a system that lets you put in your answer to a puzzle and if it's correct then you'll get added to the next channel! This system has error handling too - if you get it wrong then you'll get a message telling you that it's wrong. There's also random text for when you submit, get it right or get it wrong. It's basically functionally finished now, I just need to create the puzzles :D (I have a few Slack windows open - this is currently made up of 4 Slack Lists and 7 workflows)
Been working on a React Native Android app that can share my location to a server so that I can store my location for use in some projects. Eduroam has been a pain today, but I've finally got something that fetches my location in the foreground! Now to make a server, send it to the server and add background tasks. Sounds simple enough...
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I've been working on a way to see events from in Slack! You can check out @EventManager ’s home page to see what I've got so far :) (Buttons are not yet functional)
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Today I've been writing mail! (Only one of these is actually fully written - I spent over 3 hours on it, the others just have the envelopes done for now
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I started before midnight and it's now after 3am. But I've finally got Tauri's update checker working with GitHub Releases! It checks for updates when you open the app and when you hit the little update icon. This was not fun to setup
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but I'm so glad that I can jsut forget about it now and hopefuly will never need to touch this bit again
Wow, it's been a while since I last scrapbooked! Today I started building my first
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Tauri app with
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svelte! This has been a really fun project to work on so far - I'm new to both Tauri and Svelte and it felt really nice using them together. I'm building an app for creating custom quilts and animations for the Looking Glass because the official tools are really limiting and quite often broken. (I had to patch the Blender plugin to get it to work properly 😭). Here I've started creating a page for sorting files - this will take x folders as input and then in a new folder, y, return the first 1/x views per frame from folder 1, second 1/x views per frame from folder 2 and so on. The main thing I've done is getting all the UI in place and making sure that there are only valid files in the folders. Anyway, this has been super fun and I'm going to be continuing work tomorrow :D Oh, if anyone is interested, the code is at
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Worked on a website for Minecraft YSWS! Really happy with how this turned out :D
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wow, been a while since I’ve scrapbooked, I should really get back into this! Today I finished the schematic and PCB for my #C07LESGH0B0| submission! This is my first time doing anything like this and it was pretty fun! Tomorrow I'll be working on the case and, if I finish that, the firmware!
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Maybe you don’t use Spotify but you want a way to share what you’re listening to? Or what if you want to share the Steam game you’re playing? Look no further than @SlickStats ! You visit the app home to connect it to your account and then input your and Steam API keys for your status to magically update with what you’re listening to or playing! I spent a looong time working on OAuth for this, but I’m really happy that it’s finally done. I’m open for suggestions of other services to add! One caveat: your automatic huddle status will get overwritten because it’s not technically a status - I’ll fix this eventually It’s all open source at if you want to check it out!
Today I worked on my Minecraft Fabric Slack <-> Minecraft chat relay mod! I've added all the core functionality: • Sending messages to Slack from Minecraft • Sending messages to Minecraft from Slack • Sending advancements to Slack • Sending death messages to Slack • Sending server start/stop messages to Slack • Sending player join/leave messages to Slack There's still more to add, but this is good progress and it's been fun to make! If you want to check it out, the repo is here:, I do have a workflow to build the mod but it doesn't work so I'll fix that tomorrow/
I learnt about Minecraft Fabric server-side modding today! I'm making a Slack chat relay mod. This is my first time properly using Java and it's been... an experience. I successfully got Bolt setup and running on a Minecraft server in socket mode after a lot of hassle which is good progress! I also got a config file setup and working... except I used a client side mod, whoops. Need to fix that tomorrow.
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I updated @MailTale to use a multiline input instead of several different fields for address lines. This makes it a lot easier for me as people can put in the address in the correct format for their country. I also had to manually update 36 addresses to the new format and have read a lot of PDFs about addresses today
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Also wanted to make the lower stack views update once you update your information, but I discovered a bug in Slack’s API that prevents me from doing that which is amazing. Filed a report and hoping to hear back Monday!
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I spent most of my day working on @MailTale (bot for #C07KS2794LX|) and fighting Block Kit! You can now manage your subscription by running /subscription. This includes pausing/cancelling it, updating your address and updating delivery notes.
I've made a Celeste themed welcome bot for my channel - #C06R5NKVCG5|! I spent quite a long time on small details such as dialogue delays which are handled in a special dialogue system. I'm pretty new to Slack bots (except for my lastfm status) and this was really fun to make - there's a lot more planned to come with it. You can try it out by joining my channel and there's also the GitHub repo:
[test] a
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Yesterday, I worked on the Arcade shop a little and now it has delivery information for the items when you press the little package icon! PR: You can check it out with /shop
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Day (I lost track, sorry) of #15-days-in-public! Been super busy helping out with Arcade questions so I didn't get much time to hack. Today, I started displaying the code to display projects on club pages! Took me a while to figure out a type issue (I was missing a pair of brackets 😭) and I learnt about flatMap() which was cool
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Day 9 of #15-days-in-public Create project functionality is in and fully working! I also fixed a few small bugs elsewhere in the codebase and tidied up the project. Next time I need to work on the UI a lot more and make it so that you can view tasks & projects from club pages
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For day 8 of #15-days-in-public I... made a server action to create a project and then did something else instead. I worked on the website for Arcade and improved the item displays & added a modal to show more info.
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Day 7 of #15-days-in-public! Today, I added the ability to create tasks for clubs! Basically scrapped the work from yesterday as none of it worked so started again. Also did a little refactoring to make stuff work better. Tomorrow I’m going to add project submissions to tasks and then get a UI for it made on Sunday.
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Day 3.5 of #15-days-in-public again! Added club editing feature to club dash (only accessible to club owner of course)! The logo on the modal updates when you change the logo URL. If it’s an invalid URL it’ll show the normal Hack Club logo.
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Day 3 of #15-days-in-public! I’ve made a club details page. All data is fetched from the database, it’s not a mockup!
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Day 2 of #15-days-in-public I spent an hour making my club dashboard so far look presentable! I also fixed a bug from yesterday where the user isn’t added to a club they create and added a navbar button to sign in if you’re signed out!
Day 1 of #15-days-in-public Added club creation functionality to my club dashboard! At the end I’ve spotted a little bug where I’ve not added the user to the club they created, whoops! Please don’t mind the CSS, I was fighting Prisma for ages on this lol
For the last three months, me and 2 friends have been working on an interactive planetarium show as part of our final XR Design assessment. Now that it's complete, I'd like to present......... THE BLACK DOME! The Black Dome is a short animated planetarium show where Fleeb, a teacher, takes his class back to 1348 - when the Black Death arrived in England. The interactive part of this is a website where the audience get to vote on what they want Fleeb to talk about. Here's a video showcase. The first 2 and a bit minutes you can see the project in action in a simulated dome. The remaining time is us breaking down the project and discussing different aspects of it. We were unfortunately not able to get the voice lines we recorded in before our deadline but they'll be coming to an update soon. This project has been so fun to work on, but so exhausting too! Some tech used: Blender, Unity, C#, websockets, Bun, Express, will power & plot armour Until next time, live laugh & love Fleeb!
Club dash progress! Just been working on a Navbar. I forgot how to CSS
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Clubs have been manually created for now (prisma studio <3), but on the navbar you can now select the club you want to view the feed for. If unauthed, it defaults to global and the dropdown doesn't exist
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Fixed up the website for my planetarium project. Now, if you disconnect for whatever reason, refreshing will show you the polls that you haven’t voted in still! Or if you join late or anything :) Also fixed a few bugs that had slipped into prod including a very large one that I’m sooo glad I found (it stopped the entire thing working)
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Some mockups for club dash, I spent wayyyyy too long thinking about these but they should be pretty helpful!
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More backend progress club dash - switched from Auth.js to Clerk and got Clerk syncing with my db. I have since been battling with React types and CSS. Popped my source code so far onto GitHub:
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Started a new project! A dashboard for managing my club Setup a new Next app with Prisma and auth (mostly done but not enough to commit)
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Introducing... Musical Pie v0.5! Do you have a Subsonic-compatible server? No, probably not. How about an RFID RC522 reader and abundance of NFC stickers? Bit more likely but probably not. A 16x2 LCD? Maybe? A Raspberry Pi? Quite likely! Well, if you're like me and have all of the above, you can use my Musical Pie project!! Musical Pie is a Python program that will play music that's attached to NFC stickers from a subsonic server. A sticker could reference an artist, album or track. When the sticker is scanned on the reader, it will play the music. Headphones/aux and USB speakers are supported. I also added a potentiometer for volume control. In the full release, there'll be two push buttons for toggling play/pause and for skipping to the next song. Here's a quick demo which went perfectly to plan with no hiccups whatsoever. Everything worked first try, if you disagree then I think you forgot to get distracted. Anyway, the code is available at and I'll be working more on this soon! If you've got any feature suggestions, please leave them in the thread, I'd love to add more stuff to it.
Introducing... Musical Pie v0.5! Do you have a Subsonic-compatible server? No, probably not. How about an RFID RC522 reader and abundance of NFC stickers? Bit more likely but probably not. A 16x2 LCD? Maybe? A Raspberry Pi? Quite likely! Well, if you're like me and have all of the above, you can use my Musical Pie project!! Musical Pie is a Python program that will play music that's attached to NFC stickers from a subsonic server. A sticker could reference an artist, album or track. When the sticker is scanned on the reader, it will play the music. Headphones/aux and USB speakers are supported. I also added a potentiometer for volume control. In the full release, there'll be two push buttons for toggling play/pause and for skipping to the next song. Here's a quick demo which went perfectly to plan with no hiccups whatsoever. Everything worked first try, if you disagree then I think you forgot to get distracted. Anyway, the code is available at and I'll be working more on this soon! If you've got any feature suggestions, please leave them in the thread, I'd love to add more stuff to it.
Ported my Figma design for a website for a college assignment over to a React app and made the least responsive website known to humankind!
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Started my first proper Slack app today, if I pull through with it, it'll be really cool!
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Musical pie! Plays music from my Navidrome (or any Subsonic API compatible server) after scanning an NFC sticker for the song/album/artist you want to play! Displays the current song on an LCD although that unfortunately didn’t come through in the vid
Did some web design for a college brand site earlier, still very wip
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Did more work on the logo! Might tweak it a bit, but pretty happy with this!
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Attempting to make a logo for my Hack Club - so far I’ve just ruined the official one
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Using Flasgger, and a lot of yaml docstrings 😭, I've written some docs for the Subsonic section of Rhea's API
made a super simple website for the beta boba drops fund very different style to what i normally do, but i’m pretty happy with it. it’s simple but it works well i think
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✨ programmer art/designs ✨
(Stupidly) started a new project - Rhea, a virtual assistant to help in my room and stop my loneliness
Got NextCloud setup on my pi!
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Got multiple web clients talking to a websocket server talking to Unity!! I’ve never really used Express or websockets before, this was pretty fun to get working but there’s a long way more to go
Hack Club application submitted!
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Failed to deploy nextcloud with reverse proxy setup and had no time to try again :)
Started work on a website for a hack club i'd like to start soon today
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Had to move my pis during room reorganisation - sitting in a lil drawer next to my bed
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Made my first system unit - Gnirehtet now gets autostarted on my pi 5 to allow for easy reverse tethering for my phone
Registered for my first AMA tomorrow!
Broken my self hosted Ptero & Wings setup more than it already was when trying to expose it to the internet, wahoo!
I didn't get anything done today so have an easter Orpheus that I drew the other day
Got my domain reactivated today, all my services are back online
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All the pixel art I have for Celeste: Sprig Edition so far! Really like the strawberry spring and madelines but need to redo all the scenery stuff
Made a lot more progress on Celeste: Sprig Edition (all behind the scenes stuff really :( )! Very happy with the dash detection system although the timings are going to need a lot of tweaking to make it feel better as there’s a fair bit of latency atm. Only upwards dashing is implemented properly now but gonna keep working on that and maybe get some animation in too 👀
My first Sprig project has begun! Got this much done in a #hack-hour and am going to keep hacking away :D
Rendered a little animation I made in Blender for college. It’s only a 2D render for now, but I’ll eventually make a render for a planetarium. I spent way too long trying to get the seeds to behave, I really don’t want to spend more time on it 😭
Quick demo of my game so far. Got the cyan button working today - it switches the Unity scene via a re-usable component. Expected that one to be a pain to make but it was super easy :D The red button swaps the material on the sphere above it. Trying to make everything nice and re-usable here whilst I get all the functionality stuff in place, pretty happy with how it’s going.
Created my first torrent and started it seeding!
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Learning how much of a pita managing Unity Version Control over multiple computers is 😩 time to go back to zipping code and using onedrive 🤩