hi again, a bit of a late scrapbook but I also worked on adding support for playing playlists in orpheaux ( @orpheAUX )! This was a very interesting feature to work on, as it involved using ytdlp and puppeteer to control a slack user, which I've never done before. I was able to get it done though, and it works as expected! It's not on the main bot yet, but you can see the commit and maybe run it yourself at github.com/polypixeldev/orpheaux-ng/commit/0721b99f1fd3906b9a83018347d81363eb938741
Just recently, the new Nest website got merged and published on hackclub.app! It's been in progress for a while now, and in collaboration with @cskartikey it was designed and developed to be Nest's new homepage as well as a showcase for projects hosted on Nest.
You can see the code in the website folder in Nest's repo, github.com/hackclub/nest!Bit of a late scrapbook, but I just got my PR for #cider approved and merged! Spent a lot of time working on the react native app - it's called Back on Track America!
github.com/hackclub/cider/pull/22youtu.be/ppXDlS_ZUVEhackclub.slack.com/archives/C0M8PUPU6/p1722391701058519Rubber duck debugging scrapbook! (it's actually quite useful, hq needs to get some, preferably of this size)
It's been a journey to get from an app that works pretty well on Android to an app that Apple will approve for testflight, but thanks to the help of many people like Fayd, TheScientist/Urjith, Shreyans, Luke, and everyone else in #cider who helped me to figure out apple dev, my #cider app (Back on Track America) is finally on Testflight!! (testflight.apple.com/join/AGWWz672)
There's still quite a few quirks (react native is awesome but it's not without some goofy things), but I'll be working to fix them leading up to the app's official release on the app store after I get the license.
All testing and feedback appreciated!
Started on my first piece of #blot art with #arcade
My idea is to make a racetrack, with adjustable parameters for everything like the middle lines, car design & placement, etc
Got this far in this first hour - racetrack outline, center lines, and half an outline of a race car chassis!
is scrappy alive
Working through the CodeCrafters "Build your own DNS Server" challenge in Go! Really enjoying it and understanding DNS better, as well as learning Go (goofy language imo).
#100-days go picasso
working on sd card for spade (sprig firmware)
here's a screenshot of sprig schematic since it looks better than the 10 CMakeLists.txt files I'm working with
also because I need to find GPIO pins
#100-days go picasso
i heard you like rust so i forked a repo that uses rust to make your sprig rusty and made my sprig rusty: github.com/polypixeldev/trowel
also did some stuff in #nest like setting up a new server go check it out
go picasso #100-picasso
Worked with @Kyrillos on the first #quests! We created a small avocado-themed planet using A-Frame (never worked with it before) - super cool creating 3D worlds with it! Excited for the next quest
Playing with Sprig for (somehow) the first time!
#100-days 🎨
Never too much map-of-the-slack-ery! Working on un-jank-ifying code and turning it into a basic python CLI with click
I love maps! (well I guess this is python, so dictionaries :)) - anyways here's some map-of-the-slack-ery, now taking into account member lists of each channel. Still very jank, but that'll be changing soon! Less janky code + postgres + CLI tool is next, before refining the labeling process and moving onto clustering
Some more Slack cartography! Used python to download the latest 150 messages from public channels and extract keywords, combine with other labels such as channel size, and then use those labels to calculate channel similarity. Obviously not done yet, but I think the general process is looking nice, just need to refine label generation. Never dealt with JSON files over 200mb though!
Didn't do much today but found out that I'll be attending my first FRC team meeting this saturday, so enjoy this high-quality FIRST logo!
Using the Slack API (getting ratelimited 👀) and learning python to get started with #map-of-the-slack!
Learning to make mobile apps with react native/expo and an android emulator! (gradle is slow)
#100-days 🎨
Working on a USB hub with Max's USB hub jam and #onboard 👀
Started working on a game for #hackjams 👀
100 days #100-days
putting together the september newsletter! First day of 100 days #100-days